[@PlatinumSkink][@Ariamis] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/8926851b8ec458a49aa78b5ed202dcff/tumblr_pczx4qmC3p1w6599so3_640.png[/img][/center] Su did not answer any of the girl's questions. Not that she was giving Su a chance to speak. As Su took hasty steps down the hall, her anxiety started to turn into aggravation. Helga had warned her yesterday not to go running off by herself, and without even thinking she had done just that. The only upside to this situation was that the monster girl was not trying to hurt her. If only for the moment. Small victories. Su could hear some commotion going on in the room overhead. Because the hole that she used to enter her current floor was nearby, Su did have some manner of “sight” into the room. Alone it wouldn't have told Su much, but between Jelena's voice and her movements, Su had a pretty good idea where she was. The former familiar did not enjoy destroying buildings, but the metal girl above had nearly wrecked everything anyway. Su threw a quick barrage of punches around the spot where she heard Jelena. This caused a flurry of vacuums to slice through the floor, cutting a rough hole around where she suspected her opponent was. With any luck, Jelena and the piece of floor would fall together. This would let Su get in a surprise attack with another barrage of spells. Even if her legs just extended like last time, Su was confident knocking her legs around would at least throw her off balance long enough for Helga to finish things up. [color=peachpuff]”Everyone calls me Su.”[/color] She turned towards the monster girl and threw one last gust of wind in Jelena's direction. [color=peachpuff]”There's nothing exciting about what I do, but the skeletons were still outside last time I checked.”[/color] Su remained serious in her delivery. [hr] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/448c114e29abeee27526cd1e9f6dfc5b/tumblr_pczx4qmC3p1w6599so9_r3_640.png[/img][/center] [@MadManMoon] Mika cheered for Lupa as the werewolf decimated the skeletal horde. Though it seemed the Massacrer's sudden appearance had disrupted her flow a bit. Not that Mika felt the masked woman was at fault for anything. She probably charged in here to save the beast girl after all. But It seemed like some wheel skeletons were lining up to try to finish them off. Mika was about to intervene, but she had her own problems. Some spider webs had wrapped around Mika's feet. The spider woman stated that Mika would be devoured by her minions, who were crawling across the web towards her. All Mika could do was look over her shoulder and give her captor a nervous smile. Her inability to part her feet told her that this was some seriously strong web. What Mika found most troubling about this entire engagement, something that went far beyond her own safety, was what Mr. Spider must have been going through. He couldn't have been in a very happy place right now. Mika found people calling her cute understandable. You'd be crazy to think otherwise. But once you're married, you should probably keep those sorts of comments to yourself. That was when Mika realized the smaller spiders were probably her children. Black widows were named because they were known for eating their mates, but what most didn't realize was that black widows also feed themselves to their children. Their young are often too small to eat even the smallest flies, so they spit up liquid nutrients for their children to eat. After several days of doing this, they become dehydrated and weak. That's when their children eat them. The way Mika understood it, this spider woman was trying to use her as a surrogate mother to be eaten in her stead. This striking realization caused the smile to run off of Mika's face. She wanted no part of this. [color=tomato]”Oh no you don't!”[/color] Mika's mana reserves weren't depleted, but she really couldn't risk doing more than a few more full body transformations. Her artifact wasn't the most ideal thing to heal herself with, and powered through a bit of her mana, Fortunately, she had a plan that wouldn't use a lot of her energy, and it would even make things easier on her new friends. She placed her hands together, and a giant snake popped out of the ground in front of one of the wheel skeletons. It bopped it with it's snoot and threw the spinning skeleton into the air. Another snake popped out of the ground and did the same thing. While saving her friends was part of her goal, the real benefit to her attack was that she was throwing those skeleton wheel directly into that spider woman's web. With any luck, the spinning wheels would wind themselves up in the web, causing the entire aray to fold up on itself. Spiders and all. And Mika too if she wasn't careful.[color=tomato]”Wait, I'm still attached!”[/color] She laughed. It seemed that Mika's plan wasn't thought out quite as well as it could have been, but she wasn't out of options. Cutting through the silk wasn't going to work, but with her legs pressed together, it would be possible to turn the lower half of her body into that of a fish. Her fins would be much thinner and more flexible than her feet were. There was that possibility. But it wasn't very cute, so she didn't do it. Instead she reached for a nearby humerus to swing at any spiders that got too close. If she ended up getting yanked into the mess of web, she'd have something to beat up mommy spider and friends too. [hr] [b]“Drums?”[/b] Jessica looked to her sister. Vanessa scratched her chin. [b]”Radio head uses duel drummers now, right?”[/b] [b]“Have they done anything relevant recently?”[/b] What followed Jessica's comment was an awkward silence. Such a quiet wasn't something normal mortals could make. It had to be the work of a powerful curse, either inflicted by a dark magical girl or some heinous patron. [b]“Creep was good! I like that song!”[/b] Jessica nervously smiled. [b]”I guess we'll figure it out later.”[/b] Vanessa folded her arms.. [b]”So you've been in Penrose for a month? I was going to say something about that, but you mentioned joining a band and I guess I got a little carried away. If you wouldn't mind showing us around after school, that would be great.”[/b] Jessica smiled. [b]”I feel like an isekai protagonist, only without all the cool perks, like a huge group of friends.”[/b] [b]”If I recall, friends are why we were headed to the Gym in the first place. Shall we?”[/b] Vanessa pushed open the doors to the Gym and stepped inside. Aside from the basket ball hoops, there wasn't any gear present that anyone could see. However, the sheer size of the gym was definitely what one would expect of a reputable school like this. If one looked at the floor, they might be able to spot the school's logo etched into the gym's surface. But there were so many students present it wasn't clearly visible.