[b]Innocence Lost - Emergency Post[/b] [u]Eldrid and Natasha[/u] "Is this our Loyalist?" Natasha asked Eldrid, who shook his head. "No, this is a new opponent entirely," Eldrid then looked at the hood-and-cloak figure as he extended his own 'Spellbook' omni-tool. "Amazing... The power level of this enemy is much higher than mine is, [i]for now[/i]. These runes also show a more sophisticated use of Magic than even I have seen from 'Small Paul' and the other enchanters." He grinned at that. "But they're not invincible." He stretched out his right arm with a flourish, and water flowed out of his gourd, mixing with the spilled blood from the dead Ascendancy personnel's bodies and the ampoules of water they carried as emergency rations. Said water flowed into small, floating streams that impacted the walls and corridors, searching for runes to activate prematurely, all the while avoiding Stella's charge towards the mysterious foe. Natasha, meanwhile, weighed her options carefully; Eldrid was trying to hit the runes with water to wash them out - wouldn't that trigger the enemy's trap early, though? For that matter, was this mysterious foe even real, or just a decoy? So she shouted at Reisus, "Rei! Try some grenades or some form of wide-area attack! We need to erase as many of these runes as possible and/or see if this attacker is just an illusion!" Reisus might sense that there was ground underneath the floor of the crashed ship, ground close enough to use as a source of raw materials for one of his powers. [@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Starlance][@Bartimaeus][@Stern Algorithm][@Crowvette][@KillamriX88][@The Jest][@CriticalHit]