Janius lit up with realisation. [i]"I see. Yes, I remember Kaleeth describing her rite."[/i] He turned his head to her. [i]"That is how you earned the vines on your scales, is it not?"[/i] In spite of his tone, Janius still addressed Zharanthixil, curiously tilting his head. [i]"What do the rites entail, exactly? What will it mean for Julan?"[/i] [hr] "Oh, of course, of course," Fendros said amiably. He stood up as well and shook Gwindir's hand. "Best of luck with your appointment. We will head over to the vineyard and see who's home. Again, it is wonderful to see you all." Fendros' broad smile had just the right tension to indicate he wished the interaction to finally finish.