[hider=Frosty Frost Frost Frosted flakes] [color=#C1E1F7]With whom did you forge a deeper bond?[/color] Khloe's bond with Cleo definitely ended up growing pretty well, she became her best friend after awhile then they started dating. She didn't expect to be going out with Cleo but it happened and she's definitely glad it happened. Her affinity with the others has also grown, especially Drake since he always seemed to be in the right place at the right time but other than those two, nothing much. [color=#C1E1F7]Did your powers grow? How?[/color] Well, she doesn't freeze everything she touches anymore ever since the whole [i]Dorm Freezing of 2018[/i]. But her control on her powers has definitely improved the most throughout time in the institute. Hell she even learned a new trick where she can form ice all over her body and it acts as armour. It does also enhance most of her abilities when she does this which is also a big plus in her book. [color=#C1E1F7]Did you have problems with other students?[/color] No. [color=#C1E1F7]Highway to the danger room (jk that was terrible).[/color] Khloe does superb in the danger room, passing most tests with flying colours, though she did freeze portions of it while she was in [i]freak out freeze everything mode (Patent pending).[/i] But after learning to control it, she was always commended for her improvement [/hider]