[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0EjtAmP.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmJhYmFiYS5TWFpoSjB0eWFHOW8uMAAAAAAA/lovecrafts-diary.regular.png[/img] [color=silver]~~The Illuminator~~[/color][/center] [i]Location: Cy'Lathak[/i] [@Dealdric][@Duoya][@jetipster][@Stern Algorithm] [hr] [color=silver]"Ah, brother Hayim its lovely!"[/color] Iva picked up the tired plant God, picking him up and letting him rest on his shoulders, affectionately nuzzling the small god with his faceless visage. [color=silver]"So many new things in the Library! Things to catalogue! Study! Classify! Oh I only wish I had enough time to frolic through them."[/color] Picking up the flower he had given Hayim, Iva replaced it in his horns. [color=silver]"So busy as of late. Gammaton wants to call an assembly of all of us Gods."[/color] Iva began moving away from the balcony, back into the library proper with his usual slow but purposeful gait when he was thinking. [color=silver]"And he asked me of all gods to help him, heh! A funny idea, isn't it Hayim?"[/color] He laughed, now free from the cold outside his realm as he headed back to the ground floor. [color=silver]"Me of all gods, wanting to join an assembly of order. Hah! A laughably silly and absolutely pathetic idea."[/color] Iva's words took a darker tone towards the end, but he quickly shut himself up with a small clearing of his throat. They had once again reached the ground floor, where Iva let Hayim down on a nearby table. [color=silver]"...ah. Anyways. I'll have to catch up later. I have more guests arriving it seems."[/color] The Aho'Nohg he had dispatched to Svieand had returned - with a new coat of fur to boot! Curious, but likely just so it could better survive the frigid conditions of Niflheim. [color=silver]"Have fun with little La-Zha Dirka! Don't go easy on her, haha! But don't kill her or make her brain dead either. Too long has been spent and I will not have anyone meddle in my experiments..."[/color] Swiftly moving towards the portal he had set up in the library for gods and other important people, Iva passed by Gammaton's study along the way. [color=silver]"Little Gammy! So many guests! Dirka, Hayim, and even Svieand is on his way here! What an arousing bit of fun! Don't be a spoilsport and go say hi! Nerplagius has also said he would attend this assembly!"[/color] Of course, Gammaton was free to ignore that and continue working on the favor Iva asked of him. Perhaps might be better too - for if he somehow didn't finish or come up with satisfactory results by the dead line Iva perhaps might get a little irritable. And no one wanted that. Pirouetting through the portal once more, Iva arrived at the wall, with the Lyssian forest sprawled out before him. Ah, the Hag's face wouldn't do, would it? No no, Andy preferred the males. Hee! Perhaps he should be flattered. To little time to think about it. It didn't take long to find the other God in his presence, and Iva quickly made his way to him. [color=silver]"Ah Brother! An totally not unexpected yet rare visit! How fare thee?"[/color] [hider=The Scholar][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/04/88/c6/0488c6f92996f8a7885b51bc24eb58f7.jpg[/img][/hider] The form of the Scholar was one Iva rarely took, unless he was teaching or otherwise feeling irritable. It was often times associated with his more violent impulses, the form he took when irritated, angry, or lashing out in demented insanity. If one might have spent time in White Dawn - they'd also have noticed the Kadisht's and Lloi's wore similar clothing as to him. Conversely, the Hag was Mania - a the manic, happy and impulsive. Always doing things with a smile regardless what it was doing. [color=silver]"...ah?"[/color] Upon noticing the mortal, Iva's faceless mask turned to them. [color=silver]"What is this? Taking a sweet little thing to my Library for a romp? I'll have you know the only one allowed to romp there is me! And maybe little La-Zha and the B'thkor. We could romp together, heh! Oh I wonder how that would even work..."[/color] Seemingly lost in some thought for a moment Iva turned back to Svieand. [color=silver]"Here for the tea party, then? A few others are already here."[/color] [@Dealdric] [hr] "Eheheh. I didn't think most gods would be this affectionate." Lahzria laughed in a friendly manner as she was picked up and hugged by the goddess, but her enjoyment quickly turned to mild confusion. "...Prohpet?" Lahzria blinked. Was that Iva's plan? A prophet of sorts? Oh. Well, that seemed actually a fairly logical conclusion after everything that's happened. She couldn't say she could complain either - if it meant what she thought it did...then she'd be the first human to step foot outside of White Dawn in ages! Not since the Illuminator told them to settle here! The thought of it alone was enough to get her excited. "What - " But before she could say anything, blackness filled her vision. She felt...weightless. Like floating in an endless abyss. Yet even so, the mark on her hand shone slightly, like a beacon. She felt herself leave her own body, floating away until she had arrived at her destination. "Wah!" Stumbling lightly from the sudden transfer, the human stumbled to the ground, having tripped over her own feet. "Oof...jeez, warn me next time before you do that!" She laughed. "Uh...so Lessons?" This place didn't look like any lesson room she had ever seen. Not that she was complaining. If she had to sit in a tent and listen while some old man droned on and on about history and things she already knew, she'd have probably stabbed something.