Name: Hinako Ito (Hina for short) Age:14 Grade: first year Quirk: Dreamer Whenever she is asleep or knocked out, her dreams or nightmares will manifest in the real world. Country of Origin: Adopted from America at age 5, grew up in Japan Appearance: Hina is what most would call, a mess. Standing in at 5,3 shes on the shorter side, with a mess of curly brown hair that's always frizzled. A constant bed head with terrible bags under her gold eyes. Her skin is a little tan, and she's almost always seen slightly slouching. Favourite Outfit: Baggy, comfy clothes. Her favourite outfit being a red sweater and a pair of black pants that have a fuzzy lining, with a black beanie hat. Though she puts very little effort into outfits, and is usually at the mercy of friends wanting to dress her up since she won't complain about it. Hero Costume: (Probably gonna post some art from her soon) A black half mask that has a smile on it. A red sandman hat, with baggy black pants shoved into a pair of knee high combat boots. Her top if a form fitted jumper that's lined in brown and red. Always going for clothes that she can pass out in at a moments notice. Personality: While Hina may look like a tired bag of depression, she can be fairly lively if someone actually gets her talking. She's passionate about culture and art, wanting to preserve them as best she can due to owing books, movies and theatre her quirk. She's quiet, but she likes to joke and try to tag along in the back to have a good time despite her always being exhausted. Trying her best to not have her chosen training get in the way of her still enjoy life. Other: Due to the nature of her quirk, she will stay awake for days at a time. You will be hard pressed to find her without her cup of coffee flavoured caffeine, or candy. She gets a lot done with all that extra free time though. This allows her always have good grades, and is actually vary organized with extensive hobbies due to her trying to keep herself awake. Once she is asleep though, no one is getting her up except her. [hider= quick idea I made of her at work][img][/img][/hider]