[quote=@Lmpkio] If the GM doesn't respond within an extended period of time, probably clear to say that they won't be making it unless he says otherwise. If not, perhaps someone could take the idea and use it to make a similar RP themselves. [/quote] Huh. Well I'd feel off making such a choice so soon, yet at the same time if someone were to wait too long before doing so, then they'd risk letting interest fall off. Then again, anyone who ditches was probably going to anyway... At any rate, I'll just keep an eye out to see what happens. [b]Edit[/b] I didn't want to post again on here because why bother subscribers with posts other than those of the originator. So an edit to a previous one will do. It was a long shot that RC would have pulled through and even if they did, I don't rightly care for the precedent they're setting with leaving for days at a time. Test or no, if this is how they're going to operate now, then I don't even want to think about weeks down the road when I actually have more invested in this. I thought of waiting for the New Year before backing out, but I think the loss of another distraction will do me good. Good luck whoever reads this, especially those heading off to that Final Fantasy RP reboot. I just recently heard of that FF XV fiasco so I reckon fans need [i]something[/i] to look forward to. Later guys. :)