“Heh, sounds like a plan to me!” GM grinned, leaping into the air almost anime-style. “Minion geeeet!!” he wailed, bringing the palm of his hand down onto Bellua’s forehead on the descent, then bouncing off of him and landing back on the ground. He’d created a bond, then. Not one that provided direct control, probably not even one that Bellua could detect, but a bond nonetheless. The creature was [i]his[/i] – and he knew it. After that, his eye flickered, and the chains that held Bellua captive disappeared into nothing. “There. You’re free to roam to your heart’s content – or, um, lack thereof, maybe.” He rambled. “Just uh… don’t kill Muse yet, alright? I wanna keep him alive for a while longer.” He told Bellua. “Besides – someday, he’ll be mine to kill.”