Just gonna shoot off some possible connections while my hair's still too wet to sleep with. [@Crimmy] If Youko's enough of a sentai nerd to show up to those live tokusatsu plays, maybe she could have met Yu-Ri there, playing the role of a weirdly combat-effecient pink? Not sure how much of a purist she is when it comes to those sorts of shows, but whether she complains about the Pink Ranger developing a boxing routine or praises the novelty of it, it'd probably be an interesting enough encounter to remember each other by. [@HereComesTheSnow] Noriaki's the hot-blooded puncher dude, and his shenanigans are probably wild enough that Yu-Ri might want to help him on a whim sometimes, mostly in the form of offering him a ride out if things get too dicey...or if he can't afford to spend time in the Anti-Skill locker room. Maybe after the first big chase scene, she tossed him her contact details and told him to toss her a ping if he's doing something large scale again. [@Williwaw] It'll be funny if Yu-Ri was the box office attendant that told Aya of the ban on her pirating ass...and then snuck her in anyways, cause it was her last day working at that theater anyways. Yep, that's pretty much it. [@Plank Sinatra] Doubt Brennan will know who the fuck she is, but Yu-Ri would probably keep an eye and an ear out about his shenanigans with the Venus Probe Contest, especially if there's ever a conference or whatever about it that's open to the general public. Won't even have a real reason to say 'hi', all things considered.