[hr][CENTER][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjkyM2Y2MC5VR1Z1Ym5rZ1RHRjNjMjl1LjA,/youth-and-beauty.regular.png[/img] [b][code]Hillview High - Mason Square[/code][/b] [sub][@Surtr Inc][/sub][/center][hr] Rage flared up inside of Penny as Claire refused to see logic, and if it wasn’t for Britney finally getting a chance to speak she would’ve been ready to see whose Abstraction was truly stronger right then and there. Penny tried to cool her head as Britney explained that the Glutton fed on emotions. Although if there was any one group of people in the world to target for a PMS feast, it would be this one. There was no reassurance that came with Britney’s explanation, and Penny didn’t want to bet on the hope and a prayer that some eldritch emotion eater would happen to just screw up slightly enough that a handful of them could escape. However, there was no more time to think as the avatar of the Glutton absorbed the wall and stared them down. In a snap, Justin had lit himself on fire like the Human Torch, seemingly intent to make a final stand against the monster. Penny grumbled. If what Britney said was true, then all they could hope for was to buy enough time until the creature made a colossal fuck up. She backed away to give herself some space before dumping out the entire contents of her bag on the ground. Piled at her feet was a makeshift arsenal of pens and rocks and shards of glass and whatever other junk she found fit to become a rocket. Without even looking Penny reached into the pile of trash and grabbed a handful of garbage. The world around her blurred, her head throbbing with pain as she prepared to dodge any rogue tentacles. “Eat up, you fucking fat ass,” she growled, repulsing the items at the avatar as if they were bullets. She doubted it would even harm it, but she was tired of running.