Macy recognized quickly that things were beginning to go downhill... and fast. Kris had acted brazenly, before her comrades could catch up. Not that Hawke and Scar had helped to deescalate the situation at all, but all hope of diplomacy was gone the moment they fought back. It was clear that they had no intention of listening, anyhow; she could sense a certain toxic air about the group. Her point was proven when they sacrificed their own companion. A group like this with an every-man-for-himself mindset was dangerous. Not waiting to see the impact of their attack, Macy took the opportunity of the dragon-girl's entrance to break away from the group. For once, her flashy way of doing things served greatly to distract the prisoners, hopefully enough for her to get the young blonde to safety. While their gazes were drawn, Macy lunged toward her companion and threw a smoke bomb, hiding them in a cloud of smoke. Though harmless, the fog would hopefully hide them long enough. She had much experience navigating blindly, and dashed quickly to Kris' side. With a strong kick, she toppled over the prisoner whom had fixed himself around Kris, now nothing but a corpse. It was within this haze that she took in the state of her companion. Should she be able to move, Macy would grab her hand to lead her through the smoke toward the back of the group. If she were unable to move, Macy would do her best to carry her out of the path of the prisoners, defending the two of them as best she could with her rapier.