Saeril stayed quiet, and exhaled through her nose, when Boromir hissed in her direction. As she had internally mentioned to herself, such an individual from the race of Man, was to be watched, which eventually formed into a list full of reasons as to why. She didn't share what these reasons were, but if anyone in their group held an observational ability, they would be quite apparent. The sound of Tauriel's defense made the elder nod in agreement, shortly before the Elf Prince held the princess close to him, hoping that his presence would be able to calm the girl down. Aside from her more-common protectors, like Kili, Saeril, Legolas, and Tauriel, they were [i]all[/i] in this to protect Yavanna, from both friend [i]and[/i] foe. No matter who it was. While she had to defend the group with such a comeback, the elder had managed to pick up on the sound of Yavanna's voice within her mind. By the thought she had just received, Saeril heard the desperation within the young one's voice, until the girl's light began to radiate at such a impossible level, to the point of having to briefly burn the feathers of the elder's wings. As soon as the goblins disappeared, she stopped unleashing her power immediately, before shortly wincing at the burning sensation on her wings. The princess' light of purity had countered against the darkness that seemed to have shrouded Saeril for a long time, like exposing a vampire in the sun for a brief period of time. She really didn't mean to give her companions pain, but she had to keep the lot of the enemy away from them. However, the cost resulted in Yavanna's power to accidentally give her pain, as payment. Before the winged she-elf could say anything to the younger, a roar filled the quiet halls, as a fiery light appeared in the distant of the chamber, casting eerie shadows upon the pillars. A huge shadow, surrounded by flame, appeared in the distance, before the ground briefly shook beneath their feet.