[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6c/6b/d3/6c6bd32e54189f5153d4d01998e437d3.jpg[/img] [h2]Valkyrie "Val" Michels[/h2] July 13th, Cancer 194|DJINN-WITCH HYBRID|DARK SOUL|THE REALITY BENDER "I've never been afraid of the dark or what's in it... What I'm afraid of is when things come into the light and are not as they seemed." ADDITIONALLY;; -Valkyrie is the daughter of Darius Michels, one of the Djinn Elders, and Sybil. She has five siblings through her mother (only four of which she knows about), but other than that, she is Darius's only child and has been raised as such. She doesn't know much on magic, but her father did find her books so she could study magic at least. -She has learned to be quite the escape artist, using her reality bending powers and magic to escape from Sybil who has captured her a few times throughout the years. However, Val is not a fighter and would much rather just avoid conflicts all together. This is not to say, she won't fight if given no other choice though, she just prefers not to. -Val's magical specialties lie in her magic feeding into her Djinn powers of reality bending and conjuration. She has been able to summon an Abyss Dweller that she has named Lazlo since she was six. Throughout the years, however, Lazlo can "summon himself" when Val feels uncomfortable or in danger. This isn't actually factual as her magic calls out to him in times of distress unless she is purposely focusing to keep him away. -- [img]https://wallpaperaccess.com/full/1280461.jpg[/img] [h2]Lazlo[/h2] AGE UNKNOWN|ABYSS DWELLER[/center]