Lin, meanwhile, was in a briefing room on Side 7. She tapped her foot rhythmically on the floor, looking annoyed and impatient. The officer she was scheduled to meet was running late by nearly an hour. Luckily, she didn't have to wait much longer. A rather flustered and green looking officer rushed into the room and sputtered out myriad apologies. Lin, for her part, just gave him a polite smile. "Get to the mission. I have been in your shoes before." He gave an enthusiastic nod. Lin figured this was his first real assignment since school. [i]Just about every soldier here is green enough to photosynthesize.[/i] The officer gave a quick mission rundown. "S-so Miss Einsamkeit, the mission is s-simple. You are to g-guard the area and not interfere unless something h-happens." His shakiness and nervous stuttering seemed to dissipate when he realized she wasn't the usual gruff and angry merc. The look on his face was a confusing mess of relief and happiness. "It is security duty. We don't expect anything, but we must maintain a presence in case of incident." Lin nodded and checked her recon notes, giving the pad a tap to emphasize it. "Preliminary recon notes multiple entrances of note. I would like you to take a copy to the CO and mention that they are likely points of attempted entry by any hostile force or person. I will be guarding here." She pointed to an entrance overlooking the main exhibition area. "I will be on the balcony. Command has decided to give me any ballistic weapons, so I am not extremely worried about the colony's integrity. If anything happens with beam weapons, we must be careful to keep the civilians in check and get them out before decompression." The officer looked moderately impressed that Lin seemed to have a handle on the situation. However, he had nothing to add so silently took the pad from her and scuttled out. Lin left the briefing room and made her way to the main area. There, Einsamkeit, her personally modified beauty, stood as a silent sentinel. She quickly entered the cockpit, grabbed a snack and drink, then had her afternoon meal. Following that, she posted up at the requisite entrance and set one of her recon funnels outside the entrance to give advance warning. Her comms lit up with a much higher ranking officer calling. She popped on her headset, giving a casual greeting. "Einsamkeit, I'm eating and wwaiting, so what is the problem?" The officer simply ran over the data she gave, though he gave a gruff and condescending snort at two of her points. "What do you call...this assessment about Sector 78? And what about this shit with posting up at every entrance? We are not at war, merc. We are just here for show and--" Lin cut him off there. "Sector 78 hasn't had repair crews in it for nearly a decade and the structure is weak. Even ballistics can break that. And remember, you hired me. I do not half-ass my job. You will get the most thorough damn reports I can give. We may be here for show, but that does not entitle us to sloppy work. I will hold my position and you will be responsible for the other positions. If anything happens, your ass is on the line and the check still clears for me. Got it? I am the scout, you are the officer. Act like it." The officer sputtered out a few expletives and cut the call, but she knew that any higher ups compared to him would be unlikely to take his side. She was, after all, on their payroll often and did effective work. She hooked her headset back onto the holder and stretched out, checking her suit and putting on her helmet. She then set up in her pilot seat, opening up her mind and connecting up into the system. The images of the exhibition area came into her mind and her suit statuses appeared alongside the sensor views. "Alright, twenty minutes till party time. Let's get this equipment ready." Her suit's manipulators wiggled in standard testing, then reached down to grab the MS sniper rifle and Rocket launcher. The launcher went on her back mount, the rifle on her lower back. She then grabbed the large machine gun. "As much as I hate these weapons, I can't risk innocent lives in a firefight. I hope there isn't any problem. I like it when things are quiet."