[hider= Victoria Pax] [center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1d/00/5f/1d005fa5cc40d63fc82999f5bd0a972c.jpg[/img] [b][i]Victoria Pax[/i][/b] [i]"Do not wait to strike when the metal is hot, Strike it to make it hot.[/i]" [h2]The Basics[/h2] [b]Name[/b]: Victoria Pax [b]Nickname/Alias[/b]: Vicky, The Dream-Steel Smith [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Rank[/b]: Class S [b]Physique[/b]: Victoria has a 5 foot 6 inch tall, trim, athletic build of a runner and the strong arms of a woman who is used to physical labor. She carries the crimson red mark of Dragon Heart guild on the back of her left forearm. [h2]The Persona[/h2] [b]Personality[/b]: Victoria is a kind and very grounded person. She does have a streak of stubborness in her, but is willing to bend when someone she considers a friend advises her. Vicky is polite and happy around her friends and those whom she meets until they give her a reason not to be so kind. She likes to do things in person, deal with people directly, and values people who are honest and hard working. She speaks with a lot of axioms and metaphor almost as if she does not know how to use her own words to explain her complex feeling and opinions. Victoria refuses to accept defeat. If a victory cannot be determined immediately, she knows she can endure and outlast almost any opponent. [b]Likes[/b]: Victoria likes working with her hands, studying magic, and playing chess. [b]Dislikes[/b]: Victoria dislikes people who are lazy, incompetent, or unwilling to live up to their full potential. She also dislikes mints, gum, and ice cream. She also dislikes Ice in her non-alcohol drinks. [b]Fears[/b]: 1. Spiders, Insects of most kinds actually, ants, bees, and wasps. Scorpions and Mantis are fine for her for some reason. 2. Abandonment. Vicky is scared of being abandoned and left for dead. She fears that she will be considered worthless and discarded. This phobia possibly comes from being aware she was abandoned as a new born. 3. Being forgotten- Victoria fears that she will not have a legacy. She worries that when she dies no one will remember her or mourn for her. Victoria believes everything she owns she has to make with her own hands. So, she tries to live life like she is forging a sword. That metaphorical sword being her legend, her legacy. [b]Brief Bio[/b]: Victoria Pax was born to parents she never knew, Only thing she knows of her parents is that she was unwanted. Victoria was abandoned as an infant fortunately to be found by a rural farmer. The farmer took Victoria to his home to his wife and raised her as his daughter. The Farmer had a small far to feed the family, but would work a forge in the colder months when the ground was unfit for farming. The profits from the smithing kept the farm aloft. Victoria always eager to repay her adoptive father, took to the forge and began working with her adoptive father. It was mainly assisting and watching but when she was 8 years old she was beginning to work with the softer metals of tins and copper to build tools to help with farming and gardening. Disaster shattered Victoria's humble early years when at age thirteen, orges from the mountains came rampaging across the country side. The orges destroyed everything in their path. When the orges came to the farm, they destroyed the barn, smashed the forge, released the animals. When the orges broke into the farm house the family was huddled around each other in a corner. Wanting to remain hidden, Victoria began to glow purple, the purple glow expanded to her adoptive parents. To the confusion and surprise of the family, the ogre for some reason could not see them. What they could see as a Purple glow was a instinctual invisibility spell cast by Victoria. The Ogre stood in the middle of the one room ruin of a house confused. He could smell flesh but could not see it. Before the ogre could investigate, a lightning bolt struck the ogre and a knight attacked it. A squad of wizards from the Dragon Heart guild had finally caught up with the ogres. After stopping the ogres, the wizard knight turned to the family and laughed. He said, "Nice illusion spell, too weak for me, but a good start. Little girl, if you have the talent and dedication, seek us out in Dragon heart." Victoria remained to help her family rebuild the farm and collect the animals. However after a month of "life as normal" and her 14th birthday, Her adoptive parents gave her a packed bag and a intricately forged dagger. Her adoptive parents released Victoria to go seek out Dragon heart and make something for herself. They said a magic guild could provide more than some humble farmers ever could. With tears in her eyes, Victoria departed into the unknown towards Dragon heart. [h2]The Mage[/h2] [b]Magic[/b]: Illusion [i]Description[/i] Illusion school of magic allows the user to make items, and other objects that can give the appearance of being real. A good illusion wizard could make a wall to hide the entrance to a hallway. It would look as if nothing existed behind it, but being just an illusion, people could walk right though the wall like the air it actually is. People tend not to trust users of illusions as they could change how things appear, such as in a game of cards, they could turn a 2 of clubs into a Ace of Hearts. [i]Spells[/i]: [u]Manifest object[/u]: Make a realistic looking object that could normally be carried by any normal human unassisted. Could be a tea kettle or a sword. All objects have no weight and be passed into because it does not have any physical mass. [u]Chamelon cloak[/u]: This diverse spell changes the appearance of any object. This can change the color of an object, make an object invisible, Make an object look like another object, and even make something appear that is not there. This spell can make a barrier to hide a doorway by making it appear like a wall [b]Magic[/b]: Reinforcement [i]Description[/i]: The school of magic known as reinforcement is an under utilized school of magic that has become so rare as almost to be unknown. This school allows the user to use magic to strengthen the form of an object or weaken that same form. In an extreme, reinforcement can allow a balloon animal to stop a cannon ball or it can make hardened steel as soft as clay. The practicality of reinforcement in combat is another reason for the lack of use of this school of magic. Too much magic in a object can cause the object to break. [i]Spells[/i]: [u]Harden[/u]: This spell allows an object to become harder than it would be normally. It can make wood as hard as steel, it can make glass not shatter when hit by a pickaxe, and things like that. Too much magic poured into the object can make the object crack and break. This spell cannot work on living flesh. [u]Soften[/u]: This spell makes things softer and more malleable. This spell can make steel act like it is clay. It can make glass run like it is liquid. Any object affected will remain soft for as long as the magic remains. This cannot work on living flesh. [b]Magic[/b]: Illusion + Reinforcement [i]Description[/i] This rare combination of magical schools has been compared with Requip magics. However, a major difference is unlike requip this school does not have object stored in a pocket extra-dimensional space, instead the caster makes the objects on the spot and the object lasts as long as the magic used to make it lasts. When the magic runs out the item returns to nothing. For example, A user will use illusion to make a form, such as a sword, and then uses reinforce magic to add mass and fill out the inside of the form. So the user conjures a brand new sword and makes it tangible. This combination can theoretically be used to make anything the user can imagine, however, it is also limited to the understanding of a user. If the user does not know why swords are sharp, the sword made might be dull. [i]Spells[/i]: [u]Manifest weapon[/u]: This spell allows the caster to create any illusion weapon and reinforce it to make it real. This could be a spear, sword, axe, hammer, or whatever the caster can imagine concretely enough to be effective. [u]Manifest Armor[/u]: This spell allows the caster to change her own armor by illusion and then reinforce it to make it actually real and capable of protecting her. This spell does not change the cloths of the caster, thus it will make armor over whatever outfit the caster is wearing. When Victoria knows she is going into battle she will usually wear skin tight cloths or a swim suit to get the best effect out of this spell. [b]Items[/b]: A Single ceremonial dagger. [h2]Miscellaneous[/h2] [b]Profession[/b]: [u]Dragon Heart Wizard[/u]- Probably self explanitory. Dragon Heart is Vicky's one and possibly only loyalty. [u]Whitesmith[/u]- Victoria is a white smith as in she works with "white" metals which is just a fancy way of saying she works with the softer metals: Copper, brass, tin, gold, silver, and the like. She can make jewelry and other objects for sale and support of the Dragon heart guild. She has a license and certification to work as a whitesmith. [b]Hobbies[/b] [u]Blacksmithing[/u]- Victoria has failed time and again to get certified as a black smith. Since the certification requires so many objects to be made [b]WITHOUT[/b] the aid of magic in a set amount of time, Victoria has never gotten official certification. Blacksmithing is working with heavier and harder metals such as iron and steel. Victoria will often make ceremonial weapons and practice blacksmithing to give her a better understanding of the weapons she summons in combat. She will accept commissions for weapons and stuff, but she might take a while to make it. [u]Chess[/u]- Victoria will play chess for money and will often be found playing chess while drinking and being social. [b]Theme Songs[/b] [hider=Core theme] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaxZwDTWMA0[/url] [/hider] [hider=Battle Music] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvq7Jy-TFAU[/url] [/hider] [/center] [/hider]