A fuzzy note of white noise blurted out of Bishop's mask. Something that could reasonably be understood as a scoff when Yuri mentioned to him about murdering the messenger. [color=#ff8c00]"Let's just say he had an awful taste for words."[/color] He brushed an armored glove against his collar and straightened it. [color=#ff8c00]"Clearly not a man in God's good graces or the Spirit would have told him not to offend me with that name."[/color] He explained. The strange stares from those that were still mostly sober only looked at him more intensely. He looked back at one of them and cocked his head to the side as if to say, [i]mind your damn business.[/i] The man turned away and returned to a drink he had been coddling. [color=#ff8c00]"So, a job with good pay. I want some details before I jump into this deal."[/color] He said to Yuri. As many details as could be had were better when working with someone you suspected of being a corp. Of course sometimes the other extreme was also preferable. If the corp sec knew you had too much information it would put you at risk. It was dangerous tight-rope walk between having enough details for the job and avoiding the information that would get you [i]erased[/i].