[center][img]http://img4.bdbphotos.com/images/700x350/f/s/fsn3yv0fy7fhhv0.jpg?skj2io4l[/img] [h2]Saul Fredrick[/h2] 317|FALLEN ANGEL-[url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/clubpenguinpookie/images/a/ac/White_Flame_Art-Dazzling_Phoenix_Consumption.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141020050723]PHOENIX[/url] HYBRID|THE INVENTOR|[url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/52/92/33/529233645ea7f13573b80c3be06c8223.jpg]WINGS[/url] "There are two things that I believe above all others. First, proper manners must always be shown. Second, anything and everything breeds the ability to create, if you are smart enough to do so." ADDITIONALLY;; -Saul is the older brother to Bristol, Evangeline, and Hoyt, and younger brother to Kiara. He often keeps tabs on his siblings to ensure their safety, but tends to stay closer to where Hoyt and the twins are. He tends to feel more responsible for their safety since he is their older brother. -Saul is an inventor. He has studied deeply into science and physics as well as a few other fields that have allowed him to create weapons and other useful things to help channel his fire powers. His inventive nature was bred from him constantly craving full control. This has helped him conceal the fact that he is, in fact, half phoenix. -He believes that manners are a thing that everyone needs to have and practice. He isn't much a stickler for politics and other trivial things, but he was raised to have proper manners. The need for them has been reinforced a lot throughout his life, and he isn't afraid to help "teach" others proper manners. Especially men who can't seem to grasp them.[/center]