[hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=Gold]Rhys Asher[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378688333867646976/422255485312565259/df0f62f8c2142e8ad9d0dec68836d9f6.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Gold]Location: Esmeralda's shop[/color][/center] [hr] Wiping away the projectile Esmeralda had spat at him. He wiped it with the end of one of her table cloths. His green eyes narrowing as he hissed softly. [color=Gold]"Tread carefully, Esmeralda. My apprentice- [i]my son's[/i] life hangs in the balance of this matter and you were a fool not to seek me out when you first found out."[/color] The man studied the woman who's bed was the more effect of her charms. It was good she had that fire, he could- and would- use it to heal his boy. While he had never thought of having a child, never considered the thought that he probably did have a few bastard seeds roaming the streets. It just had never figured into his plans. But this! This was an insult he would answer. His apprentice who was fittingly his son and thus a worthy heir to his legacy was in danger. Normally he would expect the boy to get out of it himself, but these Sickenesse preyed on all and even he was in the hazard zone. His strides beat the drum of war as his pride led the way. Casting a firm look over his shoulder as he gripped the knob with tight knuckles. His voice lightened from a snarl into a even more dangerous croon that would normally thrill a woman. [color=Gold]"If you had, I would have seen to it you had all you desired. I still might- for him."[/color] The Rogue Wizard jerked his head. [color=Gold]"I won't kill you Esmeralda, there are worse fates. For the sake of my son I spare you. I value his life, I won't lie on that. But be warned... If you cross me, it will not end well. Come. Your son awaits."[/color] It was not much, but at least he could try and see if the pathetic witch had any ideas. With this new revelation he would tear down the Wizard Tower brick by brick and wring the blood of every person in the Castle from their corpses to see his heir healed and well. [hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=Lavender]Skaoi Silverveil[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://www.tribute.ca/news/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/galadriel1.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Lavender]Location: Infirmity[/color][/center] [hr] Skaoi gripped Tristan as he began to lie down. The poison was still in him, and she didn't want him sleeping heavily. Her pale eyes glanced about sharply as the woman made a lunge across a table weighed down with notes, a few that went floating to the floor due to her actions. But there was a triumph gleam as the woman gripped her prize, a sewing needle. While Tristan was falling asleep making it ever so much harder to get antidotes into him, Skaoi was going to make sure he was aware enough to swallow at least. Gripping the Prince's hand she stabbed him sharply with the shiny implement namely for sewing- or in this case keeping poisoned princlings awake. Just for good measure she gave him too sharp slaps on the cheek and pinched his nose close. Her pale blue eyes wide at what she was doing and who to! But surely his life was worth these small indignities. [color=Lavender]"Stay awake, Your Highness."[/color] The physik practically commanded as she hovered about the Prince, pressing the cup of antidote to his lips and urging him to drink. [color=Lavender]"You [i]must[/i] drink this. Don't you dare fall asleep!"[/color] Her whisper soft voice was a calming, soothing tone that was incredibly motherly. Often people wondered why Skaoi didn't have a husband with her looks and children with her attitude, but Skaoi saw such happiness and thought she did not deserve it. Not after that fiasco. [hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=CadetBlue]Grimspound[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/657d7391a50b11712cac5c306f4a350b/tumblr_ooksq5OF9a1tmko9vo1_540.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=CadetBlue]Location: Aricie[/color][/center] [hr] Grimspound's dark hair ruffled in the wind as he looked up as Minerva as her hand wove through the air in a beckon of recognition. The water and light about his hand that he had been toying with shifted as the man pulled himself from the depths of his own mind. The paths were many and curious. Each one unraveling into more questions, more wonders that he had yet to find answers for. Long legs moved him across the deck with a panther's grace. His sea legs had been quickly found within the first week aboard the ship, if only so he didn't look like a fool. The thought made Grimspound expression break out into a wry smile, as he bowed slightly awkwardly due to the tilting of the ship to the girl whose accent placed her from the northern lands. In a proffered hand was a enchanting flower like none other that could be found. The petals made from ice, and light flickering from the bud in the center. Really it was a minor feat, one that would melt within the hour at this temperatures with how fragile the ice was. [color=CadetBlue]"Minerva Frost, as I live and breath."[/color] He greeted with a wink of amusement. He had met the girl before and they had shared a bit of conversation. A mundane thing really, but she was a interesting site aboard this ship. A puzzle he was trying to solve, just as everyone was. His chuckle rolled over the waves in amusement. [color=CadetBlue]"And my dear, you know enough of me to be well aware I shall [i]always[/i] have a book upon my person."[/color] In fact, in a few of the taverns he was well known in (mainly those about the Dyrki village where he grew up) it was often joked upon that if he was without a book in hand, then dire things were afoot. Namely a woman was out for his skin. Let something happen once, you hear about it the rest of your life. Shaking his head, the man leaned against the railing and gazed up at the crow's nest and the man within. He was a handsome fellow, and Grimspound found himself contemplating seducing the man just to see what would happen. To see what made Ahote tick. [color=CadetBlue]"Why, you ought to come down!"[/color] The scholar called up to their lookout with a inviting grin. [color=CadetBlue]"Join the conversation without the rest of us getting crinks in out necks. Especially the ladies, I hear their heads can get stuck like that."[/color] The wry grin was in full force after the slight dig at the smaller girl at his side as Grimspound turned about just enough to observe the port. Soon. Soon he would have answers and more knowledge at his fingertips. There was a fire of interest in his emerald eyes as he cast a longing look towards their destination.