[h1]Character creation limits[/h1] [i]These are the current bloodlines and the ones being used or not used. Only the ones not "Taken" are available for character creation.[/i] [b][color=gray] Tyro Oro Lassa Nayu Seraphim Dragon [/color] [color=red]Taken: Dragon / Seraphim Dragon / Nayu Sol / Seraph Lassa / Sol Oro / Nayu Tyro/Nayu Tyro / Dragon Tyro Oro[/color] [color=#2D4CA1]Cannot be mixed: Seraphim Oro Dragon [/color][/b] [b]If a bloodline you wish to use is being used talk to me and I may allow it if I like the character. [/b] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul_ZRos42c0[/youtube][/center]