[b]Name:[/b] Dante Virmire [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Physical Description:[/b] Dante is a short (4'7") woman with a fiery disposition. She has medium length black hair and green eyes. Spaced out every few inches across her arms, legs, spine, neck, and both sides of her head are quarter sized cybernetic nerve implants that allow her to interact with Inferno. Sometimes when she is working on the ship you can see images of what she is reading back-lit in her optic H.U.D. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/30/ae/ce/30aece5f72ce7d3176726476ea589ca9.jpg[/img] [b]Important items:[/b] [b]INFERNO[/b]: Inferno is a ten foot tall Artemis Class artillery suit chassis. The suit requires a neural hookup to the user to function. New users can also find that there is a slight ping between when they tell the suit to move and when the suit actually does. This slight error in the design of the suit eventually fades as the Inferno computer systems slowly get accustomed to the operator's specific neural input. The Inferno chassis comes equipped with several weapons, some that are standard and some that have been improvised or improved by Dante, it also has air-tight seals and boosters allowing the suit to survive short trips or battles in space, and of course very Heavy armor to protect from Ship or land based cannons, shells, or lasers. Overall the suit is slow and has difficulty hitting close targets in favor of more long range or high impact destruction. [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcThcgub5DkPJDosej-FEgeUymtW12GbAd8GEf0TBXXIn7xw1JOE [/img] (the suit without any weapons on it) [i]MICRO-GRAVITY DISTORTER FISTS[/i]: The Inferno chassis comes equipped with several small Micro-Grav distorters in its hands that can be activated to take out buildings or high armored targets by distorting gravity in a small vortex in close proximity to whatever it is you want destroyed. Due to the slow speed of the overall armor this weapon is not good at hand to hand combat with other units, unless they are units of the same speed or slower than the Inferno armor. the Micro-Grav distorter in each hand can also be shot as a small projectile and then detonated, causing massive damage, but this is a last ditch effort tactic as the distorters are rare, expensive, hard to make, and there are only two on board the entire suit. [i]MID-RANGE PLASMA GRENADE SILOS[/i]: The Inferno chassis comes equipped with 40 plasma grenade launching silos located in the shoulders of the suit for when trouble get just a biiiit to close. the launcher can fire up to its whole payload, a maximum of 120 grenades, in a few seconds. The range of the launcher is about 120 yards and is not very accurate, only being able to aim within a twenty yard radius. however the launcher cannot fire the grenades within twenty yards of itself. The launcher, when activated, peppers whatever twenty yard radius you choose within range until either the operator stops it or it runs out of ammunition. The grenades themselves have a radius of about four yards each. [i]150mm SHOULDER MOUNTED RAILGUN[/i]: The Inferno chassis comes equipped with a 150mm shoulder mounted Railgun that fires high explosive plasma shells designed to bring down the biggest ships in the least time. When in firing mode the gun, which is normally pointing straight into the air, rotates over the shoulder and moves into firing position. While to Inferno armor is in this mode most of it's other systems are offline and it is vulnerable to attack. It is possible to fire the thrusters to move in the case of incoming fire, but most other systems will not be available. [b]H.U.D.[/b]: Dante has an implanted Heads Up Display in her eyes that allows her to connect to the Inferno's systems and get real time info on whats going on with the suit. They also allow her to view pretty much anything her omni-tool could connect with, as well as giving her firing positions and helping her aim both in and out of the Inferno armor. [b]OMNI-TOOL[/b]: Miniature Computer that allows for communication, calculation, augmented reality navigation and small-scale hacking. [b]COIL-GUN PISTOL[/b]: For the rare occasion that she is caught up in combat outside her suit Dante keeps a coil-gun pistol on her. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Dante was born on the frontier world of Prodius on the edge of Ascendancy space. Prodius was a beautiful world full of life, nearly classified as a Paradise world. her father had been an engineer for the colony's mechanical systems, and she was poised to replace him. Her father would bring her along on jobs and show her the ins and the outs of how these machine's functioned. Dante loved her life and was excited about being part of the Ascendancy and what that would mean. She wanted nothing more than to take on her father's role and build the future of her people. Then it was discovered that Prodius was rich in precious and rare metals. The Ascendancy took note of the small frontier world and began extracting the metals and rare materials for use in the was against the Coalition. Mines, factories, and cities began to sprout up around the planet. They spreading pollution, carving out forests, hollowing out mountains digging deep fissures into the earth. Dante watched as her home slowly was turned into a barely livable wasteland over the course of only a few years. Her father's job was automated and he was forced to take up work as a miner. Dante got shoved into a child labor union assembling machines of war in the factories. life went on this way for what seemed like forever. Until her father died. The mountain her father worked at had been scanned and came back positive for gold, silver and possibly naturally occurring electrum. It was honey combed and mined and hollowed out until finally one day it caved in. the whole mountain just fell in on itself, with her father inside. Dante wasn't the only person to lose a family member in that collapse, far from it. But hearing that her father was gone... that he wasn't coming back and that it was because the Ascendancy had just pushed. to. far. It broke something in her. Dante drifted in this hell that had been created by The Ascendancy of Man for years. She did nothing but build their machines of war, and drift hopelessly through life. Then they left. After the mines emptied and the mountains collapsed under their own weight; after the factories closed their doors and all those who had come seeking opportunity had moved on to the next thing. After Prodius was a barren hellscape with nothing to offer anyone, The Ascendancy just turned their backs and moved on like a swarm of locust. It was then, standing in the ruins of the factory she had worked for the past twenty years, staring at the empty husk of a building that seemed so similar to how she felt inside; that's when she found it. The Artillery suit was half finished and partially buried by fallen mechanical equipment, but the frame was in one piece and she knew how to finish it with her eyes closed. The only problem would be finding the materials to finish it. So over the course of the next year Dante Scavenged and searched and worked on the suit. It was the only thing she could think to do. Every now and then she would make a modification she thought was necessary or would change something because it was easier with the materials she had available. Eventually she needed to test the suit to see if it was working. A healthy black market had sprung up in place of the metropolis that had left and abandoned this place, so Dante decided to head there and get a few upgrades. She had never really spent the credits she made with the Ascendancy or the credits they had given her after her father died, it wasn't as if she had been saving them for anything, she just had never needed anything to buy; and while The Ascendancy didn't pay very much, twenty year of not very much adds up to more than you'd think. She purchased illegal implants to let her interact with the suit so that she could test it, and make sure it was working. She purchased eye implants and an omni-tool to make sure the computer systems were operating correctly, and she purchased a coil-gun to make sure she wasn't bothered by other scavengers. Dante continued to toil, not knowing why she was doing this, or what she would do when it was finished. She had bought all of this equipment, but it was all only to finish the suit. for some reason she felt that if she could finish this one last suit, everything would be okay. She would talk to it sometimes. When she was working, just to break the silence. She told the suit about her father, she talked about how she missed him and he wasn't ever coming back. She talked about her home and how she wanted to see the forest, or taste fresh clean river water again. She talked about her childhood and how she wanted it back. Dante would talk and talk, and the suit would be her ever present listener, never interrupting, or judging her for what she said. It was her stalwart companion, her shoulder to cry on, in more than a few instances it was her punching bag or the brunt of her rage at the universe, but in the end it was undeniably and irrevocably... her friend. Then... after a few years, a lot of heartache, and a lot of money later; it was finished. Dante didn't really know what to do. She had just kept going knowing that eventually she would find a purpose or a drive or something after this was done... but she was empty. Building the suit had BEEN the purpose. To distract her... but it hadn't distracted her had it? It had honed her, made her clear and sharp. All those hundreds of hours working and talking and releasing her feelings and her wishes and wants; she stood in front on this impressive machine of war she had built, her Inferno of rage and pain and fury, all her emotions embodied in a single entity. She knew what she was going to do. She was going to tear down the Ascendancy of Man, and burn it with this Inferno and leave nothing but ash and debris. The next day she blew the rest of her credits on ammunition and a charter on a ship off world for her and the suit. She had heard in the black market about a resistance movement called Moonstrike, and a few whispers about a ship named the Xuanxang. As Dante charted her course in the hidden cargo hold a bright red military grade Artillery suit with 'INFERNO' painted in bright white letters on it's back waited to be unleashed. [B]Exceptional Skill List:[/b] Exceptional Engineering x3 Exceptional Gunslinging Exceptional Navigation Exceptional Piloting x2 Exceptional Endurance