[@Double] makes a valid point. I loved the idea of recreating the sagas but the standard story won’t accommodate us all in a way everyone wants. So I think we could use something along the lines of the following for Namek: Namek: Make the Ginyu Force much more fearsome (I mean they were tough anyway but you get my point). Maybe have Cooler, Frieza and King Cold as the “boss fight” so you can have some double teams and what not. I mean ultimately nobody wants to be a Krillin or Yamcha by the boss fights but unfortunately people need to be. I mean everyone will want to be the one to strike a killing blow on an enemy. The other option we could have is to introduce tiers in regards to fighters power. So A, B and C would be top tier and fight the likes of Frieza and Cell. D, E and F would fight the likes of the Ginyu Force and maybe some custom supporting enemies. I know that would piss some people off and some may leave but it’d at least partially stop everyone trying to jump in front of each other. Could do a collab post with two/three people rather than try and get 10 people to sync up right.