[center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-xWQ2EUIAMOoHs.jpg[/img] [h2]Amal[/h2] AGE UNKNOWN|DJINN ELDER|THE ELDER LEADER "If we stray away from traditions now, what will we have in the end?" ADDITIONALLY;; -Amal is the newest to the Djinn elders, but he is their leader. This is because he has the mentality to figure out problems and solve them quickly, and he is a huge stickler for the rules and abiding their laws it seems. -Since Amal has taken over as Djinn Elder Leader, there have been more trials than ever before, as he believes that once you break even the smallest law, you must face consequences for what you have done. There have been multiple who have made it to their third trial and are never seen or heard from again. -Amal came from a northern tribe of Djinn who were found and scattered, and he refuses to go back to the north or even discuss what happened to them. It has made others wonder, but no one will openly ask what happened. Whenever he is asked, all he ever answers is "carnage."[/center]