[hider=Camilla Moris][h3][center][b]AA New Member Form[/b][/center][/h3] [center][i][b]Please fill out this form and bring to your first meeting.[/b][/i][/center] [b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b] [b]Name (please include any nicknames):[/b] Camilla Elzbieta Moris (but people call me Cam) [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Occupation:[/b] Business student, Currently having a gap year, as you do [b]Neighborhood or Borough in Which You Reside[/b]: East Village E 10th Street [b][u]Questionnaire[/u][/b] [i]Note: These questions are for research purposes only. Please respond honestly, completely and without omissions.[/i] [b]Describe the nature of your Atypical abilities.[/b] Basically whenever I close my eyes I can see what people are feeling and thinking. It's like... I close my eyes and instead of darkness I can see and feel the heartbeats and breathing of the people around me, and their feelings and thoughts seep through into my mind, all at once. There is no way to turn it off and I have no way of fine-tuning or controlling it. Any auditory distractions, such as music, can't drown it out because the ability seems to be linked to my visual senses. I have been told that whenever I close my eyes, my eyes move rapidly under my eyelids, not unlike in the R.E.M stage of sleep. Causes migraines and insomnia, the bitch. [b]Briefly describe the series of events that led to who, what and where you are today.[/b] [hider=oversharing alert] Okay, so ever since I was born, I've had trouble sleeping. As a baby my parents couldn't get me to sleep; I'd cry all night long and drive them absolutely nuts. Things only got worse as I grew up. The only way I'd get a half-decent night of sleep was if my parents drugged me with sleeping pills, a handy tactic I use to this day to knock myself out. I had no idea it wasn't normal to see the way I did when I closed my eyes, so I never told anyone. My parents simply thought there was something wrong with me, not that I could disagree. I was definitely different from my younger brother who had the sleeping ability of an angel. They took me to the doctor a lot, for sure, but there never was a difinitive answer to what was wrong with me. I got prescripted with sleeping pills and mild sedatives for my supposed "night terrors", "sleep deprivation", and insomnia: the diagnosis changed as many times as my moods did. As a teenager I discovered the magical world of alcohol. Oddly enough, being absolutely hammered did help my issues. It made the overbearing flow of alien, intruding thoughts go away for as long as I drank. So naturally, that became my escape. My parents and baby bother, obviously, didn't approve of that lifestyle, although I got through high school and uni pretty much hungover. And yes, I did go to a university. I studied business and economics and was at the top of my year, thank you very much. My life changed drastically when I ended up in E.R for crossfading on alcohol and my sleeping pills. Never a good idea, as it turns out. My parents threatened to cut me off if I didn't get help, so what choice did I have? I went into rehab, the worst time of my life. That was about two years ago. Since then I've relapsed a few times, but now I'm sober again. 56 days as I'm writing this, to be exact. And now I realise it specified brief but I ended up oversharing. Again. Lets try a brief version, here goes: I've lived in the NY city my whole life. My roots are in Lithuania but I've never been there. I moved away from home at 21 and have been moving around the neighborhoods ever since. I'm currently on a gap year before moving on to working life, although I have a part time job at a yucky pizzeria.[/hider] [b]How would you describe your appearance to someone who is blind?[/b] [hider=Picture (drawn, sorry)][img]https://img00.deviantart.net/e1b1/i/2018/316/1/4/woah_babe_by_saltyalien-dcrt4cf.png[/img][/hider] I'm less blind than a blind person, but pretty blind nonetheless. The first thing you would notice about me would be my glasses (although I do wear contacts sometimes) and my short auburn hair. I prefer using glasses because they tend to even somewhat hide my tired eyes, which are freakishly round and blue. I have freckles literally everywhere, they get only worse during summertime. I'm approximately 5'7" tall and often use shoes that make me tower higher than your average person. My clothing style is pretty chaotic so I'm glad you're not seeing that, given you're blind. In my formal attire though... button-ups are pretty neat. [b]How would you describe your personality? Likes and Dislikes?[/b] Well, I'm a hot mess, for starters. I'm nice enough, at least I'd like to think I am... Pretty impulsive, for sure. I've always been intelligent, and I'm not afraid of saying it. Not really a book nerd even though the glasses would make you believe otherwise. My humour is pretty dry. Witty comebacks are also my thing. I'm somewhat superstitious and I'm addicted to fortune cookies. Because of my "ability" I'm highly irritable by any auditory or visual clutter. Crowds are the worst, I enjoy my solace. Getting overwhelmed just means terrible decision making and questionable life choices for me. Although I don't need to be in a high-stress situation to achieve that, I ruin my life all on my own. Careful planning never was my strong suit despite having quite a knack for business. Guess you can really say I don't take my own advice, the only time I'm organized is when I'm on duty. I'm a bit of an oversharer sometimes, I've been told. Repeatedly. If you can't tell. I like, no, love, alcohol. I also hate it. I have a weird relationship with it, look no further than my past. I've found that being sober has made me seek substitutes for it, though, and I have found some pretty good comfort foods, those red twizzler thingies for example. I like pretzels, ginger ale, coffee, peanut butter pancakes, adventures, thrillers and detrctive novels... I dislike sleeping because of my ability, which leads to being tired, which I also hate. The more mundane things I dislike are the superhero genre, iced coffee, tea in general because it's just leafy water, and when you shake the ketchup bottle but the watery stuff still comes out when you squeeze. [b]What is your current state of mind?[/b] I've been described as a trainwreck more than once. Insomnia and alcohol abuse would do that to you. [b]If your current place of residence was destroyed under mysterious circumstances, which of your belongings would you attempt to recover from the rubble?[/b] Is that a forewarning? Anyway... Probably my laptop. Basically everything I care about is in there and losing it would mean losing a big chunk of files and pictures dear to me, such as my diary. [b]What is making you happy right now?[/b] I was riding the subway earlier and it was pretty crowded, rush hours and all. I had just got off from work and felt pretty gross, greasy and not that attractive. So there was a beautiful woman standing next to me who had been looking at me for a while. When I finally looked up from my detective novel, she smiled and politely complimented my outfit. It honestly made my shitty day that much better. I'm still smiling just thinking about it. [b]How did you hear about AA, and what made you want to attend?[/b] This is going to sound highly ironic, so hear me out. I was actually looking for an actual AA group, you know, the traditional, alcohol kind. I searched around the web but found nothing immediately appealing, so I dropped it. Then later that day as I was out and about, a flier caught my eye. I took it with me, thinking it must be for an AA group, but quickly found it was for something else I might need even more right now. I've battled with this my whole life. It never occurred to me that I might not be the only one. I wanted to find out my people. [b]What is your greatest fear?[/b] Being abandoned by those who once cared about me and being viewed as a disappointment by them. [b]If you could give up your atypical abilities, would you?[/b] Yes. God, yes. You have no idea. Living with my own emotions is hard enough as it is. Try living with others' as well, as well as their intrusive thoughts you can't be sure aren't your own. [b]Please suggest any refreshments you'd like to see at the next AA meeting.[/b] Aside from ginger ale (which I've developed a light dependency on), is it weird if I suggest salted pretzels? Or... Ooh, fortune cookies. I get weird cravings when I'm not allowed alcohol.[/hider]