[center] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [img]https://www.eng.ed.ac.uk/sites/eng.ed.ac.uk/files/images/news/carboncapture.jpg[/img] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [color=gray] [i] "Ain't world out there for you no more. This is your world, this enclosed space, this moment of punishment. You savor the pain eventualy, become twisted, wishing for the next lash. Not out of some deviant desire for punishment, but for fear that if the routine changes whatever comes next will be worse. You think...you want to believe...it can't get worse...well...it always gets worse. Down here....in" [h1]THE FACTORY[/h1][/i] [/color] [hider=Before] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ju4JCNXxSCDbjZx_Loiv-7fEyZVccpw1RKeu0i-HrHKOJSeth0b6et84Yq5KdrWBRcoY62eEWN7j8jGpdgNNs-Q=s750[/img] [u][b]Kidnapped[/b][/u] You were taken from a previous life to the factory. Good life, bad life, elite or poor man. The factory dosen't descriminate nor does it care about your past. Maybe you want to go back to the world you had, most do. It's a long dream and no one escaped yet though. Even if you did could society even welcome you back as you are now? Career: You gain a career of your choosing, giving you mundane knowledge in that feild to a competent degree. Past: Because you had a past others may know you. In some cases other abominations or waste will return stories for reliable stories of the outside. Silver Spoon: Whatever life you had, you know what comfort is. Compared to the factory, it was heaven. You gain double stress and psychich damage. [img]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/12/01/15/2EF6741E00000578-3341271-image-a-18_1448983601217.jpg[/img] [u][b]Clone[/b][/u] You were born, fully grown in a tube. You may of lucked out and been one of the few to have something of a teenagehood. Coming out a bit underdone but either way...this is all you know. Most are simply processed, friends you had a month ago disappear into winding rooms and machinery. Some don't even get used...staying in cages seemingly indefinitely...others...become them. You may lack the human experience, you may even be tainted, but does some fabric of your humanity exist despite this bleakness? Additional Testing: Most Clones undergo testing while in the tube. Giving you 1 more point in BODY. Denizen: This place is your home. You survive here, flourish here. Sometimes you even manage to be happy...briefly. You start off with a MAP of your area and one type of chosen threat information revealed to you. Newborn: Without the proper human experience yet still retaining some vague notion of what humans are, you are terrible at social interactions. You have negative -4 to detecting lies, lying yourself, or reading people/sentient folks. [img]https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/syringe-with-vial-picture-id483968360?k=6&m=483968360&s=612x612&w=0&h=bAkTlf7MhDJ5TgxXDOIxvYPKNStV5tGwY1p9xashFC0=[/img] [u][b]Expirement[/b][/u] You were created or abducted for one specific purpose. Ruthless, extensive expirementation. Your humanity in every sense have been stricken from you, what tiny strand you have left beneath the horrorshow purely exists out of sheer will power. You were abandoned, thrown away, a failure? maybe. A form of torture? possible. Who knows the mind of the factory. Maybe a simple flook, but it's mistake is your power. It made you regret life, perhaps you'll look to do the same? Extensive Maltreatment: You get given one RANDOM BODY MUTATION freely. This may not be as useful as you hope. Expirementation: Every time you have a LONG REST you have a 1/100 chance of regrowing any lost flesh/limbs. The more virtal, big, or complex the lost. The more higher your rolls have to be. Monster: Your visage is disgusting, even by the standards of the horrors within the factory. There is no way you can pass as human or even tolerable to gaze at. Your physical form will be malformed in many, many ways. Maybe you have putsals of blood that appear all over like tumors that grow back instantly after forming. Maybe you have a long intestinal tube out of a hole that leads to your stomach than a mouth. None the less, most will consider you scary, even your own comrades. [img]https://i0.wp.com/strangematterspodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Bionic.jpg[/img] [u][b]Processed[/b][/u] You've seen them, walking about, the man-machines. If you could consider them either. Some are unlucky enough to be selected to become them, bad for you. Some, however, don't make it through the whole process of losing mind and body. Thrown into chutes and trash cans, bloody and broken but free. Good for you. The factory has no understanding of pain nor any care for it. Straps are easier to make than pain killers. The experience scarred you but did they remove ONLY your flesh in that operating room? Augmented: You start the game with a RANDOM device of random quality and usefulness. Imprint: You will register as a machine by others of your kind. Allowing you to dodge fights or interactions if your free will isn't too obvious. Pawn: Poking around in your brain like that, can't describe it. Sometimes you still feel it. They put something in you, now when the speakers churn up or the authorities say something you can't help but to obey: you have to roll 1 - 100 when given a command by a factory employed enemy. Failure leads to stress or being mind dominated for a few turns. [/hider] [hider= Now] BODY MIND SOUL You get 4 points in each to do as you please. Add any background given points from [before] section as needed. [color=crimson] BODY: [u][b]Claws[/b][/u] With claws you get 1d4 slashing damage per strike. Your strikes also inflict bleed if they crit. Claws, however, give you a -2 penalty to handling controls, generally messing up fine manipulation(throwing knives or fixing something) Finesse note: claws very rarely, if ever, come out perfectly. They are normally mishaped, jutted out, odd in size from one another and simply have grown out a chunk of the hand rather being fine nimble, finger like constructs. Your claws could of even be jutting out of your forearm or wrist. None the less, they still cripple your fingers fine motor skills. [u][b]Mace (need claws)[/b][/u] A progressive mutation of claws. Your entire hand, if you even hand one, has turned into a misshaped ball of slush with loads of oddly shaped spikes sprouting out of it. Only affects one hand, can be bought twice. Each strike deals 1d6 bashing/piercing damage. The mace renders you unable to do anything like fix machinery, sabotage, pick stuff up ectr if you have two. If you have one mace you have a -4 to all dexterity or hand based tasks except attached mutations-like mace itself. When you hit a character you have a strength check. If you natural 20 or double their roll+mod then they are reduced to prone. If you beat their roll the enemy is stumbles back out of force. Heavy [u][b]Jutting Protusion[/b][/u] A large, single spike erupts from your body. It may be your arm, hand, shoulder, or even your chest. This thing forcefully sprouted from you like a cancerous spear. It's at least 4 feet long and can't be retracted in anyway. Attempts to cut down the spear only results in whatever left of it bleeding profusely for hours as it grows back. 1D4 slashing swung about or hit against an enemy without charging. When charging at a target with at least 20 feet to begin a spring the spear does a 1d8+str mod piercing damage on hit. The charging spear on confirmed hit gets a reroll chance to crit. The spear is a massive vantage point for enemies to grab you, giving them +4 to grapple against you. The spear sheer size is cubersome and can make it hard to sneak. HEAVY, LOADING DEFENSIVE MUTATIONS --------------------------------------------- [u][b]Rough Flesh[/b][/u] Your skin has turned to a leather like substance, hardening untill it almost cracks at the seams. What was once soft and smooth has numerous bobbles, rashes and gone sore from a constant irritating redness that spreads viscously from your elbows, knees and forehead. Some parts of your skin are dead black at the ridge, while painful to touch, they are nearly rock hard. can't be bought with Glutinous Flesh. Gain 2 AC Your squishy skin slaps about audibly, giving you a -2 to stealth. [u][b]Glutinous Flesh[/b][/u] Your flesh quivers with anxiety. Forever prepared for the next horror the factory will inflict upon it. wobbles like a thick overlay of jelly than skin. Sometimes even small things like bugs sink inside. Ugly...yes...useful...definitely. Knifes can get stuck and your skin quickly sticks back together. +1 AC You have a resistance to small blades. Your will clot up the bleeding wounds after 1 turn. You are vulnerable to liquid, jelly, and fire based attacks. You cannot remove harmful substances from your skin without a bath/shower in some form. [u][b]Wart Wrappings[/b][/u] You're entire body is hidden by an overlay of pulsating, rubbery bloated bubbles filled with an almost greenish, thick liquid. Sometimes when you move you can hear the waters inside swishing, despite how sensitive they may appear you feel very little if they are touched and it takes consistent force to break them. Your palms and feet are spared this fate, your face, sadly can't say the same. You have to pop the large, swelling ones around your eyes sometimes to stop from going blind. This hurts. +1 AC Resistance to Bashing damage If you have any blood based mutations, apply those to your warts which will explode violently with said substance to any attacker within 5 feet. When moving about your warts make an audible sound of swishing and wobbling, making it easier for threats to detect you. -2 to stealth Your baubles give enemies a +2 for them to grapple you. can't be bought with other skin choices [/color] [color=teal]MIND [u][b]Growth[/b][/u] A large, abnormal lump of cracked flesh has started to sprout from your head. It seems pretty stable although it sometimes it throbs against your skull with the force of a beating drum to a microphone. When you get upset you can feel a league of over sized veins bulge out from it to your forehead, allowing you to back others down with your abusive barking. Sometimes you even swear you can hear your own thoughts echo into the empty halls. Your abusive screaming or angry shouts deal 1d4 psychic damage with a small chance to give your target mental maladies. On crit sentient targets are STUNNED for one turn. Psychic damage cannot be healed by most means, making it a safe way to assure punishment despite support. It's extremely loud method of attack and will easily attract other nearby threats if you're not careful. Deals STRESS 1d4 damage to yourself each time you use it. LOADING [u][b] Eye Absorption[/b][/u] Your left or right eye has had a strange, squishy organ flood over it and slowly crush it into jelly. In reflections you can still see the remains of it squished between the mass of this organic sideshow that spewed out of your socket. Sometimes the organs start pumping and you see weird echoes outlines of anatomy in the distance. You Gain Meat Sight You must activate Meat Sight in order to use it, when doing so your organ will pump with a low audible beat to it. This is hard to hear but can cause you great stress and has a chance to give you head aches if you use it too long or repeatedly. When using Meat Sight you can see anything with an organic part to it, however, you can only perceive it's organic parts. A man-machine with a just brain it will appear like a floating brain. You use this to see past walls, doors and most forms of invisibility. -2 to hit with range due to loss of your eye. If you are hit while using Meat Vision you must pass a check to remain concentrated or you are forced out of it and STUNNED. Gaining 1d8 stress damage from the shock. [u][b]Unzipped[/b][/u] A large chunk of your brain has crawled out of a large, gory split in your forehead, exposing it to the air. Whatever discomfort you feel at having your brains feels the musky wind is compensated for the shuddering jolts of electricity they produce when you concentrate. You produce a RANGED 1d6 electrical attack at any target within 30 feet. Crit against automatons and Man-Machines have a chance to STUN them for one turn. +2 damage against automatons and man-machines You must take a turn to charge up your first attack, when hit you have a chance to have your concentration broken and have to charge up again. You always de-charge automatically if you don't attack every 3 turns. Head strikes always count as if you were VULNERABLE LOADING, RANGE, AMMUNITION [u][b]Skull Casing[/b][/u] A large shell has overgrown your head and started to consume your face from above. This shell could be a ripple of uncontrolled, growing flesh, it could be dead, hardened chunk of brain gone grey to protect what's within. It could be calcium. It barely avoids blinding you as it seeps around and slightly over your eyes. Since this growth you swear it vibrates when the factory speakers talk. +1 AC gainst stress and psychic based attacks. +2 against mental domination. Doesn't apply to PROCESSED characters. When you are MIND DOMINATED you have a chance to reroll to break it with a -2 penalty. Your head gets a +1 ac specifically when hit by anything. Reduces unzipped penalty to -1 [/color] [/hider] [color=gray] This world is almost exactly like ours. Got the same issues, the same internet, same memes, same junk food and the same maps. Except there is one difference: The Factory. No one knows how it came to be, in the beginning it was just big industerial park in the middle of some worthless sack of land. But one day the local workers started acting strange and reclusive, then hostile and paranoid, then isolationist to the point they even rejected the internet. Then they simply...went inside...never came out. Since then loads of attempts by military has tried to infiltrate the place. Each attempt has failed, urban explorers who enter might be lucky enough to upload a few videos of the outside location and then some gruesome screams before their stream is cut. No swat, cop, solder nor specialized unit has returned and all considered are KIA. On 2015, a year into its strange happenings it was agreed by the american authority that the place would be thoroughly bomb to rubble after several people have been kidnapped and their remains found in the trash cans at the entrance. The bombs were launched....but they never hit the factory. Where they went is anybodys guess. What is this place is a mystery and the area was closed off by military forces for observation. Yet people still disappear from streets like magic into its halls. And the number of victims had grown into the double digits nearing on three this year. [/color] [h3][u][b]TL DR[/b][/u][/h3] [i][b]it's like a dungeon crawl, but instead of a dungeon, it's a shithole[/b][/i] OOC: This is going to be based on DnD. I don't really have a lot of experience in DnD, honestly. I've practiced one game, once, as dm. I figured might as well use a system some people know for this rather than a new one. For the most part I'll be translating anything from 5E to this game. I haven't included soul, nor all the mind/mutation choices since this is just a taster. This will be a party of 4/possibly 6 players depending on things when it's up. This is pretty much a dungeon crawler with blatantly self indulgent edgy and horror themes. So be ready for torture/gore fest themes in it. I'm new to DnD. I'm making a homebrew because it's helping me learn the mechanics easier to adapt them than to fumble them in game. I'll do my best to DM. This will most likely be on roll 20. I already got 2 people who may join. Mostly checking interest. If this ends up on the forums I will expect a standard of 2 paragraphs. [/center]