[center][img]http://peilife.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/19760596-002.jpg[/img][/center] Today marks the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War. I wanted to take a moment to say thanks and remember the horrors of the war and the world that our veterans helped give to us so us and people around the world can know a time of peace as prosperity that has never been known in all of human history. It is important to remember our family and friends who fought, and those who died on this road, and to make sure we never forget the sacrifices they made to give us the lives we live now. My great uncle Herb landed at Dieppe in WWII and was nearly fatally wounded that day. My friend Brian was killed in Afghanistan by a roadside bomb. It was a part of his job to keep the roads clear of explosives for soldiers and Afghani citizens alike. I feel like a lot of people have begun to forget the war, and take this period of peace for granted. It's important to remember that after years of nationalism and military build up and centuries of mutual hatred between nations, all it took was one 18 year old Serbian nationalist to start the most seminal event in modern history. Millions died, hundreds of thousands in the opening months of the war alone. We think such a thing to be impossible, but the people in 1914 likely thought the same. So today, take time to appreciate what we have and what it cost for us to get here. It's a day of sombre reflection and gratitude, because 100 years ago today, the groundwork for the world we live in today was laid, and while many of us will live long and happy lives, millions of young men who were as young as many of us never would. We will remember them.