Catarina was slightly disappointed all she managed to get was her bow and supplies, but she wasn't going to raise a fuss about armor. There was actually a tradition among the Knights of Thorn about collecting armor from defeated enemies. "Iron Men" they were called, though Catarina doubt any armor she savaged from other warriors would fit her. But it was the thought that counts. As everyone was gathering their gear Catarina went to her horse to load up the gear onto the saddlebags. She rode a large black mare, built for speed. Catarina had to be very mindful of her weight and supplies since while her horse was strong, too much weight will drain her stamina, which could spell disaster in the middle of a fight. And then everything went to hell. The king vomited out blood and an assassin was on the loose! What seemed like a peaceful and well fortified city easily turned to chaos as magic began to surge. Catarina had heard of hysteria causing people to riot, but for chaos to spread so quickly, it couldn't be anything but magic! However Catarina didn't let the destruction sway her. She immediately mounted on her horse and chased after the assassin. [b]"I don't know how he could kill the king with magic, but if he can do it, so can I!"[/b] Magic had just come into their world, how could it be that an assassin could master it so well to kill a king in his own court? A question Catarina would ask the assassin himself! This man might've been fast but not faster than Catarina's horse, and certainly not faster than her arrows. She drew her shortbow and loosed an arrow aimed at the assassin's lower back; this way even if she should miss the arrow would either strike his legs or hit the ground, and not anyone else that might be in the crossfire. And Catarina was confident in her aim; she could snipe rabbits hidden in a brush, an armored assassin may as well just been target practice.