[color=a187be][center][h1]Gammaton[/h1][/center][/color][hr] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Duoya] The door to the dining hall creaked open as wisps of cobweb fluttered through, released from their musty confinement. In the time that Gammaton had spent in their, wracking his brain on the laws commissioned by Iva, the room had been utterly transformed into a nest only an insectoid vermin would find comfort in. [color=a187be][i]Snug as a bug in a rug.[/i][/color] Gammaton emerged, having heard his name called, only to see Iva'Krorh leave through a portal. But his goal remained right in front of him. Gammaton marveled at the natural beauty that Hayim had brought to the cold north, how very much like Hayim to meddle, with no regard for the limits of his own power, to create such natural beauty in so unnatural a location. So too did Gammaton judge Hayim's incessant bringing of gifts to the sentient mortals. [color=a187be][i]These mortals who revere you but do not fear you will be your undoing one day, brother.[/i][/color] [color=a187be]"Lord Brother Hayim, it is so good to see you. It has been too long,"[/color] Gammaton greeted, [color=a187be]"I suppose The Honorable Iva'Krorh has mentioned to you that I have need of you. This is true, but the fact of the matter is, Our Honorable Sibling has made it known to me that they are loathe to allow me to hold my assembly in this realm, and besides, I doubt everyone has been gathered. That being the case, my purpose here today is simply to convince you to attend The General Assembly of the Gods, and to present you with a summons."[/color] Gammaton produced a parchment, pre-written, and presented it to Hayim. It read as such: [quote][color=a187be]This summons has power to be used twice, for the specific purposes of 1) informing and 2) summoning Lord Hayim, God of the domain of Health. The summons will be used to inform Lord Hayim of the date of the First General Assembly of the Gods when such a date has been decided, and the summoning will teleport Lord Hayim to the Administrative Hive, where the First General Assembly of the Gods will be held. Once signed, the summons is binding and absolute unless a proper excuse can be given for why the Assembly date should be deferred. Should the Assembly date be deferred, the summons once again becomes binding and absolute. Once signed, the summons cannot be dropped traded or stolen, and is bound to the attendee in question, Lord Hayim.[/color][/quote] [color=a187be]"You simply need to sign here,"[/color] Gammaton presented the parchment and a spine tipped with his black blood to Hayim. [color=a187be]"Now, you may be wondering what such an assembly is for, other than to see all our sibling friends in one place. Unfortunately, I have come to a conclusion that is oh so very sad. It would be sad to see one of our siblings go away forever, wouldn't it? I know you are sad even when a mortal goes away to Lord Brother Azhriel's domain, never to be seen again, but there are thousands of them, and only a dozen or so of us. Yet us gods are not supposed to die, are we? Well, that is what my sad conclusion is. I fear that we, all of us, any of us, are capable of ceasing to exist. I realize this may be shocking and unbelievable, but I will lay out all my evidence at the General Assembly. Suffice it to say, all us gods, we have to work together so that none of us ever goes away forever, do you understand? It doesn't matter if Ragnagedon hates Sveiand, or Hyperion hates Oao, what I aim to confront is something that threatens all of us. And there will much work to be done, be sacrifices that must be made, and restrictions that must be imposed, for the good of us all. Do you understand, Lord Brother Hayim?"[/color]