[@tobiax] [s]I know I wasn't asked.[/s] While I can't just give the exact picture (since don't remember wholly/might be mixing it because I've seen several switches.) I believe it was a long red-head/wearing a hat, older looking (believe older age) and more bored/apathetic face. The change to the younger looking/more bratty looking FC, probably matches the quote and general personality of the character better. (IMO, presumably there's as well.) Her clothing in the other picture was fancier as well, and this one more straight military/soldier outfit which also goes better with the character/history. (That's at least my general assumption/recollection of knowledge.) [@Altered Tundra] Did you change anything beside the faceclaim and digimon? Personality/the rest? And did you change your last character because of the white hair/pale skin that was close to my character's appearance wise and you just wanted a more 'diverse looking' cast? I guess he does now look more like the typical digimon "Leader Guy" aesthetic now.