[center][h1]The next few days[/h1][/center] [center][b]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/b][/center] With night beginning to fall upon the city of Hosu, the curtain on this eventful day had slowly begin to close. For the next generation of heroes it felt like time had frozen in place as they battled old and new demons, it was a barrier that they would have to overcome if they wished to further their growth. Room by room a rather large nurse and solidly built female nurse kindly informed the students that visitng hours were now closed, despite visiting hours not being truly being finished, those involved in the incident were a special case. As the students were escorted out they would see themselves running into their homeroom teacher, Akihito Yoshida, who was tasked with safely trasnporting them back to the academy via van. The following day was certaintly a strange one with Takeshi, Kaida, Roy, and Reina absences being a constant reminder of what happened, it was pretty difficult for anyone to really focus on their studies. Class was rather light for the day due to the students and teachers shared an equal amount of weight upon their shoulders as Komei academy was assaulted by the press. On the other side, the victims of the attack were to be questioned today in order to gather more intel on the shadow clan. The reprocussions of that attack had a very large domino effect causing society to begin to question their trust in pro heroes. On Thurdsay, April 27, the victims of the assualt were discharged from the hospital and had returned to their dormitory that morning while the other students were in class, they're wounds were healed for the most though their vigor was clearly absent. They were ordered to rest today and tomorrow as well as throughout the weekend. Frequently through out the day, Kiwi would check up on each of the students making sure that they were recovering nicely as well as staying in bed. This worked out for the most part since none of them had reason to get into an altercation with her army of disturbing insects. Surely the other students would want to check in on their fellow classmates though Yoshida Sensei and Retha made sure that didn't happen, the only acception to this rule was if you were roommates with one of them. Not much reason was given behind this, other than a stern look from Yoshida sensei followed by a him saying they needed their rest. Though this rule was just for today. Friday, April 28, with the week coming to an end, the mood of the students were slowly beginning to brighten just a tad bit. For those injured during the incident they had regained a bit of vigor and were now manuevering through the dormitory rather well. As for the rest of the students, their reason might have been becuase they didn't have to worry about waking up early in the morning for school as well as homework being due the following day.