Nobody is ever going to want to be the weakest and everyone is going to have their own plans of how they want things to work out or happen. Even if power levels weren’t explicitly written out, people would still find a way to argue about who is the strongest and what people can or can’t do to their characters. In any RP like this where there is going to be one bad guy to fight, everyone wants to be the focal point, the one who gets the killing blow. I mean the idea of following the sagas is great but I think we have too many people to follow them explicitly. In terms of power levels, I like them in the way of just having an idea of where characters sit in terms of power. However there should be flex for people to have larger increases whether for story purposes or just because of how that person performed throughout a storyline. Overall I like the activity shown by people so far, it shows there are legs in a DB RP for once. I just feel that people are getting frustrated with not being able to have a chance to do what they want with their characters. Maybe it’s just me.