[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xwg76fl.png[/img] [hr][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][sub][b]Province of Ilagorn [/b]--[b] Adventurer's Guild a.k.a. The Delipitated Duck[/b] [color=gray]12th Hour of the 2nd Day, Summer[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hr][/center] As the guildmaster began to list off the available quests, Ier-Briar quieted as well, organizing and examining the possibilities for glory in the back of her head. A delivery, no matter what opportunities there were for beating back the hordes of bandit scum, held little to no interest for the knightly woman. It was a pedestrian duty, and couriers existed for a reason, did they not? The prospect of being sent out to exterminate kobolds or goblins was met with similar disdain, those sorts of monsters mere vermin compared to the true threats that besieged the world. Even children could kill goblins, after all, and killing kobolds who attacked mines was a short-term solution, when any half-decent mine owner would have had a long-term solution in play already. To adventure into a forest as mysterious-sounding as the Fogmere Forest, however, that certainly sounded [s]fun[/s] suitable for the maiden voyage of a new group of adventurers. Exploration, unknown monsters, and a treasure hunt, all rolled together into a single bundle. Perhaps it was merely a shipment of basic foods, but in times of duress, grains were worth more than gold, and a journey through a fog-ridden forest was almost certainly more enticing than literally anything else that had been offered. …or maybe Ier-Briar just unconsciously didn’t trust her comrades to handle an extermination quest yet. [color=7ea7d8]“[i]We[/i] shall take on the duty of recovering the lost shipment then,”[/color] the knight said, decisively deciding for the rest of the team. [color=7ea7d8]“Are there any details as to where in the forest it had been lost? Or what it contains?”[/color]