[@mattmanganon] I know that's a joke, but... I mean, that's pretty much what my feelings boil down to. He looks intimidating, his attacks look awesome and have kickass-sounding names... but that's about all it is for me. Just pure flash, no substance or anything. I've always been a sucker for Turles myself. The idea of a low-class Saiyan that became disgruntled with his own culture's bullcrap and said screw them and went rogue? Hell yeah, that sounds badass! He starts his own little army called the Crusher Corps and has basically killed entire planets just to grow fruit from the Tree of Might to power himself up? Also pretty awesome. Hell when you think about it, Turles was basically Goku Black before Goku Black was even a thing. I'd love for Yang to fight Turles. The idea of someone who would just kill entire planets to eat fruit that makes them stronger would absolutely disgust a disciplined pacifist like Yang, seeing that as something flies in the face of everything he stands for. (Spoilers: He'll probably feel similarly about the Super Saiyan form later on as well and likely have no desire to use it himself.)