Well, as painful as it is to do so, we still have to carry on without our beloved Byrd. And Stan Lee, for that matter. The former of which I now blame entirely for killing with his resignation from UOU. Morden and I haven't really discussed a replacement GM, but at the moment I don't find one to be wholly nessescary. If anything changes, I'll let one of you know so that such a succession can take place. But like I said. Byrd or no Byrd, the game must go on. Which means getting back to the business at hand, despite this completely slipping my mind last week. [u]The Weekly Post Check[/u] [@Inkarnate] - 25 Days [@Simple Unicycle] - 20 Days [@Eddie Brock] - 19 Days [@Torack] - 19 Days [@Hound55] - 17 Days You all know the drill. Post by Friday to remain on the roster. Don't and you'll be removed and have to re-apply. [@Hillan] hasn't posted in a month, so I'm afraid J'onn is being put back on the market.