[center] [h1][u][b]Blood's Jewels[/b][/u][/h1] [h2][u][i]“Terreille in Trouble”[/i][/u][/h2] [/center] [hr] [@Torack][@eclecticwitch] The woman and Eyrien from Dene Nehele went to sleep after a long chat into the evening of that night. All parties shaken by the revelations, though none slept deeper than the three Saroth brothers. Their snores filling the rounding halls of the eyrie. A comforting sound for the Black Widow though perhaps not so much for Fatima, Lucivar, and Andressa. The Black Widow however remained awake longer into the night than the Queen or her men. Her fingers tracing the threads of a tangled web as she considered the shape of the Court that was forming. What she had seen was becoming reality and Faeril Ashkevron was worried it wasn't necessarily a good thing. The moon was lowering towards the horizon when she did rest, the Queen settled in the room behind her. No danger would touch the Lady. [@nohbdies][@13org] The morning came and with it the sky was a bright blue, with clouds that scuttled over the sky due to a quick and fierce breeze. The mountains of Askavi towered over the bowels of valleys and the forests that clung to the slopes like a skirt of green about the grey stone. Dark forms of Eyriens flickered high overhead as they went about their daily tasks. Aren was slowly waking as dawn broke into the valley over the proud peaks. Standing over it all like a dark looming pillar was Ebon Askavi. The Keep and lair of Witch. The Sanctuary of the Blood. There were plenty of rumors about the place that made the Blood of Terrielle wary of it. That it was shut to all, that there were horrors in those halls the Blood did not dare risk. Yet, every so often someone would be so brave or desperate to chance it. The small home that they had been directed to lay far above him, a staircase carved from the side of the mountain narrow and doubling back on itself. Yet at the top was a home carved a mountain's face. The windows sparkling from the rain of last night. The garden blooming in delight of the rain. The door looking battered but study as it dared any to approach it.