[@Stern Algorithm] [color=6f879b]"Ok! There a another gem with me and we will try to meet each oth-" [/color]Serendibite not talking when she look down to find no site of the small gem and realize that the small gem is a ahead of her [color=6f879b]"Um, we will try to meet each other somehow." [/color]With that being say, Serendibite walk away from the entrance and to where the small gem is at. While walking toward where the small gem is, Serendibite was thinking that she should maybe just leave this place, I mean, she was just walking in though the desert and then the next, she is in a ruined building with a small gem who maybe a spy or something but for some reason, Serendibite is still walking to find where that small gem gone to. [@Karkinos] Serendibite finally found the small gem, she is by some pedastal that has what look like a hand mark[color=6f879b] "Hey, does your um little friend knows what that thing is?" [/color]Serendibite ask the small gem as she point at the pedastal