[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d1f21801-06c5-4af0-8222-d3f6fc94f59e.png[/img] [hr][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][sub][b]Southmere EMS Office[/b] [color=gray]Morning[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hr][/center] [color=gray][b][color=EBCB68]“You run this place by yourself?”[/color][/b] Marie uttered, looking around to see if the girl was exaggerating. It forced a thought come to mind — How was one person and a dog supposed to keep something like the EMS efficent? When they had posted that they were taking applications they weren't kidding that they needed help. Marie didn't want to be the only one “pulling her weight” but at the same time the idea that the spotlight would be on her excited her. In her mind there was no way she was going to be rejected or critically interviewed. Without her or the other applicants the EMS would have [i]nobody[/i]. As she mulled over the concept she crossed her arms as she went to answer the postal worker's other question as the other's behind her were too worked up about being friends than excited about doing the job. [b][color=EBCB68]“Right. I am here for the job.”[/color][/b] She commented as she held out her hand aggressively. [b][color=EBCB68]“Rosemarie Neldelstein, but you can call me Marie. Nice to meet'cha!”[/color][/b] [/color]