[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/saGm5xq.png[/img][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/211956364010979328/358494681383960576/image.png?width=493&height=182[/img][/center] Mamoru grunted as she jumped back, avoiding three balls that nearly struck her chin and shoulders. It was just the same routine she does every morning; wake up, dress up, eat a light meal, train. It was starting to get boring. But practice makes perfect, and Mamoru couldn’t let herself falter. Today’s training utilized a weapon she was quite skilled with but haven’t put much use yet; her bouncy balls. While they may look like simply toys to an untrained eye, these things had as much punch as a pistol bullet, and could maintain their momentum even after their initial ricohette. That’s actually the problem right now. Mamoru was trying her damndest to dodge twenty of these things while also fighting the training robot she had chosen. One that was fast and armed with a training knife. One-on-one she could handle it easily, but thanks to unleashing a handful of those bullet balls the machine was wrecked and Mamoru struggled to reach the command console to get out of here. But that was fine. This was just all part of training too! Mamoru remembered how getting shot in the leg nearly put her down for the count, so she needed to be able to avoid fast moving projectiles if she wants to be a better hero. There was just no other way around it. [color=pink]”Dodge the bullet!”[/color] Diving, rolling, and dodging the balls as she ran, Mamoru knew that it was a fools errand to try to keep up with all of the balls at once; even if you had a super genius mind to track every possible trajectory of the balls, it just mean you knew you were going to get hit. Mamoru had the welts to prove it. The important thing was choosing where it hit you; constantly moving to minimize damage without affecting her own strength. That’s the key to Mamoru’s fighting style; speed and toughness. Everything else will just fall in line. Eventually she was able to dive out of the training room before any of those ballistic balls could also escape, and then she shut the door so Mamoru could take a quick water break. [color=pink]”Alright, so maybe less balls next time. Didn’t think they’d still pack so much of a punch! But I’m not without my tricks either.”[/color] Mamoru turned back towards the room and cracked her fists. Her hands were pretty beat up, but nothing that would stop Mamoru from what she does best. And plus this time, she had a new trick up her sleeve. [color=pink]”Haaaah… [i]Trace on![/i]”[/color] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X6y1z1z.png[/img][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/211956364010979328/358493964854231041/image.png?width=335&height=88[/img][/center] Unlike most people who spent their morning training, Donny actually had homework to do. It was boring, but it was part of class too. Admittedly not the best part of going to Komei but there needed to be some normalcy for their daily lives as well. He’s seen how it affected the others who got hurt that day; even if they managed to go back to their daily lives, he’s sure most of them are focused entirely upon getting stronger and getting ready to fight. It’s not that Donny didn’t want to either, but he knew that letting something like that consume him wouldn’t help at all. He knows all too well how wanting vengeance, or just wanting to be ready for the worse that will happen, only makes things harder for yourself. You never really snap out of it. Homework and school life was escapes from the harsh realities. It was boring and dull, but better than living in constant fear. Donny had many escapes and that’s just how he handles his problems. Escape, and recover. By the time Donny finishes he felt empty inside. So now it was time to cook. He had wanted returned the goods brought by his stolen credit card though he couldn’t get his money back due to the items being taken as evidence, he was allowed to exchange for items of equal or lesser price. So he had brought some new cooking equipment, including that portable heat pan that he had his eyes on initially. He also bought himself a new cellphone and earbuds. Donny did take the time to make some adjustments however. He personally stitched a few new holes in his meatsuit; this way he could more easily get in and out without just going through the face or tearing his suit off. He also added pockets on the side of his suit that is covered by clothes, just for convenience. Donny has also been slowly, albeit still bashfully, revealing his true form. He still wears his suit at all times but when it’s convenient he does use his limited shapeshifting to do things like reach high shelves, look around places, or just have an extra hand. Bit by bit he’s willing to show more of his true nature. [color=firebrick]”For breakfast, omurice.”[/color]