[@Quincy] sorry, I thought I had reviewed it and responded. You're in. [@Reflection] While I'm open to having your character be the S+ mage and think he's balanced personally and magically, there's a couple plot holes. 1. The Zanthrax family, as one of Dragon Slayers, would probably be recognized as a distinct threat to Dragons and be executed if put in a vulnerable position. 2. Even if the Dragon took pity on Lil Boy, he wouldn't teach a Zanthrax...the art of killing Dragons. 3. Where did that cloth come from? Dragons can't really write all too well. Please make those clarifications STAT. [@Aeolian] Lor is accepted! Welcome in! [@pkken] and [@Esran]- welcome in! You're accepted. Nice chairs btw. [@Spanner]- seen! Will comment soon. [@ShwiggityShwah] :) aye aye I'd like to close all Dragon Heart entries for now (save [@Lmpkio]'s other char, ). Any villain entries may be submitted via PM. Moving to begin Arc #1 soon- keep em eyes peeled! Watch the thread btw, so many of you to mention I cant really 0_0