[center][h2][color=paleturquoise]✦[/color][color=aqua]✧[/color][color=teal]✦[/color] [color=darkturquoise]Tama Miyara[/color] [color=aqua]✧[/color] [color=darkturquoise]Angelite[/color] [color=teal]✦[/color][color=aqua]✧[/color][color=paleturquoise]✦[/color][/h2][/center] [@I Need A Name] [hider=Battle music][youtube]https://youtu.be/mQnI9OBDVrg[/youtube][/hider] To most residents of Miso City, the evening was one of post-Christmas quiet. To some, it was a time of battle with no end in sight. Street light blazed across crystal points that tore apart murky form after murky form. [color=darkturquoise]"Ugh... Geez..."[/color] Amidst the unknowing citizens trudging through the square, Angelite clenched her jaw as she slammed a spike-covered fist into one filthy creature. Spinning round just in time, she lashed a rocky wing across another, each storm of shards launched with even more vigour than usual. Panting, dripping ooze that slowly evaporated, she looked up to see just what she'd expected. Countless more Nightmares slithered in from every street like a sea of black. [color=darkturquoise]"Y-You're really set on starting your evening meals earlier and earlier, aren't you?"[/color] she growled, fists still coated in stone armour as she charged towards one going for a man who sat slumped on a bench. [color=darkturquoise]"This... This city isn't your fucking buffet bar!"[/color] Once she'd smashed through the monster, she sagged, shaking. When was the last time she'd had a decent sleep? A decent meal? She didn't know, or care. All that mattered was mustering enough strength to keep standing. To keep fighting. Fighting alongside Yurei, being strong for her and the others, relying only on her power as a light magical girl, with no assistance from the darkness she dispelled. She forced herself to turn away from the dissolving creature, despite the effort it took to move, let alone take on Nightmares. She couldn't go against Luna's ideals. Especially not now. Biting her lip and keeping tears at bay, Angelite staggered to Alara's side, the crystal shell spreading up her arms and sprouting more spikes as she prepared to assist her ally against the onslaught. They had to stick together. If only they'd all done so three nights ago... Things could have turned out differently.