Kalisa wasn't aiming for any Imperials in particular, but she figured that not firing back at all would have given them unnecessary confidence in simply shooting at them for free. Leaving herself open for a moment, she left her cover and opened fire towards the Imperials as the squad she had been following pushed forward. Once her rifle was empty, she ducked back into cover and waited. She had heard someone shout to wait for the reload, and so she reloaded herself while noting the timing of the gunfire. Once the bullets stopped hitting the cover and ground around her, she once more left the safety of the broken wall she was behind and ran forward to catch up with the rest. And it was a good thing that she did, seeing as the wall had finally broken down after another wave of bullets slammed against it. The unfortunate ones who stayed behind became the sponges for the next wave of bullets that came down. Kalisa heard their screams of pain, and immediately felt bad that she wasn't able to communicate the order to move to them and instead just followed her instinct. She eventually found herself rejoining the squad that she was following earlier. She took one of the unoccupied pillars that was closer to the front of the destroyed establishment they were using as cover. They had all been tense watching the Lance Corporal rummage through another soldier's body out in the open. "Is no one gonna help him?" She shouted at nobody in particular. But before anybody could respond, a bullet had hit the Lance Corporal's head. Time looked like it had slowed down for her as he fell over in front of all of them. The slow agonizing fall felt like minutes even. It was surreal, watching somebody get shot in the head in front of you. The Lance Corporal's body eventually laid on the ground, without so much of a thud or a splash. And the rest of the group was silent. Although there was still the hail of gunfire at max volume, Kalisa heard nothing but her own ragged breathing and heartbeat. And then he got back up. It took Kalisa a moment to realize that he indeed was alive. His helmet apparently having saved him from splattering his brains out. Once she had regained her bearings, he had begun to pull the soldier's body once more towards them. She found herself running out and helped him drag the body and himself into safety once he was close enough. The Lance Corporal had placed the corpse against the wall before pulling out his binoculars. [color=6A47FE][i]"This guy is nuts."[/i][/color] He just about luckily survived getting shot in the head and the first thing he does is to survey the situation and formulate a plan of action. [color=6A47FE]"You got balls, sir."[/color] Kalisa had unintentionally let out. [color=6A47FE]"You got my support."[/color] Not that many people could take a bullet to the head and still be as levelheaded as he is after narrowly living. The plan itself was pretty basic, the gunners provide covering fire as they run up. Once they were up there, clear everybody out. Seems easy enough. She had begun to double check her equipment to prepare for the upcoming charge. Ammo, several magazines, check. Grenades, a few, check. Rifle, bolt is still working, check. Bayonet, mostly clean, check. [color=6A47FE]"Alright, on your mark."[/color] [@LetMeDoStuff]