[color=0072bc]"Oh god this is painful as hell."[/color] Roxas winced after jumping back from an attack. Him sling wasn't helping at all for his arm. [color=ed1c24]"Well you know if you use my power, that would heal up in a heartbeat."[/color] Ifrit said slyly. [color=0072bc]"Yeah no thanks not really jumping at that opportunity right now."[/color] Roxes jumped on a demons back and slit its throat. Ifrit just scoffed. Multiple demons surrounded him again and charged. Roxas lept into the air, spun around and stabbed into one. A wail slipped out of the demons mouth before it grabbed him and threw him into a rock. The air was knocked out of him and he almost passed out, but fought to stay awake. [color=0072bc]"I'm not doing so hot right now. Probably should have seen this coming."[/color] One of the demons approached him while he was laying down. [color=f26522]"You've been beat."[/color] It growled. [color=f26522]"Give up now and we will let you live. Continue to fight and I will cut you down no.."[/color] Roxas lunged up and stabbed it in the chest. [color=0072bc]"I don't see giving up and option."[/color] Roxas grimaced as he slowly pulled the knife out. He sat back down for a bit to take a breath of air and rest for a second. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, hoping that by the time he opened them again everything would be over. Alas that wasn't the case. It would seem like he was going to die here. There where just to many demons for them to fight. He looked around that the battlefield to try and find Ophelia, but he could't see her. The other fighters they had where already dead. The last one got cut down right in front of him. Roxas closed his eyes again. If Ophelia was already dead then there was no point in fighting anymore. Just as he was about to give up, Roxas heard a recognizable voice. He opened his eyes and saw that Ophelia was in the middle of a battle, looking glorious as always. [color=0072bc]'She's still alive.'[/color] He smiled to himself. This was just what he needed to get back up and fight. He had to protect her anyways. [color=0072bc]'Come on Roxas, if she can do it with a baby, then I can with a fucked up arm.'[/color] Roxas tightened the sling then ran back into battle. More and more demons fell to his blade as he cut through them. Thinking of Ophelia made it easier for his to keep going. After a little while of fighting, there was another moment of rest. In this time Ophelia came up next to him. She looked like she had been through just as much hell as him minus the shattered arm. [color=0072bc]"Hey my love. I'm glad to see you're okay."[/color] He smiled at her and they shared a moment. After, he turned his attention back to the demons. [color=0072bc]"We have to cut through them somehow. I don't know about you, but I don't think I can take much more of a beating like this."[/color]