[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IXuUWbR.png?1[/img] [/center][color=darkgoldenrod][indent][sub][B]Location[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Morton Estate[/I] - [I]Marville[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Issue #2.06:[/b] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Forbidden Fruit[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][hr][INDENT][COLOR=SILVER]|[/COLOR] [color=black][B][sub]The Present[/sub][/B][/color] [INDENT]On the other side of the Estate’s door awaited a tall, well-built man who stood a head above either Barbara or Mayor Thomas. His perfect, white teeth heavily contrasted his ebony skin as he welcomed the pair inside, smiling widely at Barbara as he motioned for them to enter. As his gaze turned towards Roy, the man’s smile wavered slightly as looked the other man up and down. It didn’t go unnoticed by Barbara. [color=#ff9900]“Michael Collins,”[/color] The man stated as he extended his hand to Barbara as it dwarfed hers before giving it a firm shake. [color=#ff9900]“I’m head of Lady Elaine’s security team, you must be our newest and in my humble opinion, our most impressive local hero, Deputy Norris.”[/color] [color=#4682b4]“Yep, I guess that’d be me.”[/color] Barbara replied with a strained smile as Collins held up a security wand and motioned for her to lift her arms. Looking around the interior of the mansion, some small sense of irony fell over Barbara that Collins needed to check her for weapons when swords, guns and more adorned the walls of the Morton Estate. Agent Perry had been right on one thing, Lady Elaine was definitely a collector. [color=#ff9900]“If you don’t mind too, I just need to do a quick scan, nothing invasive.”[/color] He smiled as he ran the wand over Barbara’s form before moving to Roy. [color=#ff9900]“Lady Elaine is quite excited to meet you,”[/color] He spoke up, looking back towards Barbara. [color=#ff9900]“I also have to confess, I’m rather excited for the chance to work together.”[/color] [color=#4682b4]“I’m sorry?”[/color] Barbara asked shooting Roy an accusatory look as he made a subtle shrug in response before Barbara turned her head forward again in time to see Michael give her a short look of confusion. [color=#ff9900]“Uh, I’m sure Lady Elaine will explain.”[/color] Collins replied as he paused, stopping to open a one of the French doors in front of the three as he gestured for Roy and Barbara to enter. Standing behind them, Michael cleared his throat before speaking again. [color=#ff9900]“Lady Elaine, please excuse the interruption, Barbara Norris and Mayor Roy Thomas to see you.”[/color] [color=#cc4125]“Very good, darling.”[/color] A posh voice replied as a woman rose up from a window facing mat, a steaming cup of tea firmly held between her two hands as a silk robe was loosely wrapped around her lithe frame. Her brilliant blonde hair was pulled into a tight bun, not a strand out of place as two needles were perfectly placed symmetrically across the back of her head, crossing beneath the bun. [color=#cc4125]“You’re dismissed.”[/color] She added with an icy smile before raising a hand as if to shoo Collins from the room as she waved it in a slow but deliberate manner. Returning the hand to the side of her mug, she raised the warm brew to her lips, taking a long, silent sip before lowering the mug against her abdomen and looking towards Roy with a mischievous smile, gently biting her bottom lips. Out of the corner of her eye, Barbara watched as Roy’s face began to change to a shade of red as Lady Elaine allowed herself a satisfied smug smile before turning to Barbara. [color=#cc4125]“Well come in, ‘Valkyrie’.”[/color] She ordered, [color=#cc4125]“Let me get a good look at you.”[/color] There was something incredibly off putting about Lady Elaine to Barbara. Perhaps it was the manner in which she carried herself or maybe it was the fact the woman looked as though she could belonged on a catwalk but talked as though she was the Queen of England. Stepping forward, Barbara’s eyes couldn’t help but wander to the display cases lining the room, each containing an intricate weapon, perfectly preserved from the decay of time. [b][color=#7b68ee]“Norris,”[/color][/b] Agent Perry’s voice suddenly came alive in her ear. [b][color=#7b68ee]“The scans are off the chart, the weapon has to be in that room.”[/color][/b] Unable to acknowledge the supervisory S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in her current situation, Barbara continued to do as requested as she walked towards Lady Elaine before suddenly pausing as a pearl-like gilded hilt caught her eye. Smiling as she watched Barbara’s gaze, Lady Elaine moved towards the weapon that had caught the deputy’s eye as she touched the case. [color=#cc4125]“Beautiful isn’t it?”[/color] She motioned to the sword as Barbara approached the case. The weapon’s pommel was carved into the head of a dragon as a wide crossguard extended from the base of the obsidian-like blade. A quillion ran along either side of the bottom quarter of the blade’s fuller as an aged scabbard sat in the shadow of the beautiful sword. [b][color=#7b68ee]“That sword is Asgardian.”[/color][/b] Agent Perry’s voice stated, clearly in awe herself as Barbara nodded in response to both Julia and Lady Elaine. [color=#4682b4]“Where did you get it?”[/color] Barbara asked as Lady Elaine moved her shoulders in response. [color=#cc4125]“My late husband had it as part of his collection, he had always wanted to find others like it but as far as he knew it was one of a kind.”[/color] Elaine replied, [color=#cc4125]“Its name is Wyrmzahn, or [i]Dragonfang[/i] if you prefer. He had always told me the sword was alive, still possessed by the Shieldmaiden that had once carried it into battle.”[/color] The woman smiled at Barbara. [color=#cc4125]“If you believe those sorts of tall tales I suppose.”[/color] [color=#4682b4]“Sorry, you said as far as he knew,”[/color] Barbara stated, [color=#4682b4]“Does that mean you found another like it?”[/color] She asked as Lady Elaine turned her gaze directly onto Barbara, her eyes studying the deputy. Barbara knew when she was being sized up, which could only mean that she had hit a nerve. [color=#ff0000]“*[i]Ahem*.[/i]”[/color] Mayor Roy coughed from across the room before approaching. “Ladies as much as I love the history lesson, I’m sure all three of us have more to accomplish today so if we could move to the topic at hand. Miss Norris, I believe you wanted to discuss Project Valkyrie.” [color=#4682b4]“Yes,”[/color] Barbara paused matching Lady Elaine’s gaze as the other woman smiled slightly before taking another sip from her tea. [color=#4682b4]“I wanted to meet you today to express my gratitude for sponsoring the program.”[/color] [color=#ff0000]“Additionally,”[/color] Roy interrupted as he stepped forward, a glance from Lady Elaine causing him to pause where he was. [color=#ff0000]“Miss Norris had a couple of concerns however, she’d like absolute control over her tea.”[/color] [color=#cc4125]“I can’t say I disagree,”[/color] Lady Elaine responded before continuing. [color=#cc4125]“But I have one condition of my own, my head of security, Michael Collins, I want him on the team.”[/color] [color=#ff0000]“Of c-”[/color] [color=#4682b4]“Why?”[/color] Barbara asked cutting off the Mayor before he could agree on her behalf. [color=#cc4125]“My money,”[/color] Lady Elaine smiled as she took a nearby seat. [color=#cc4125]“I don’t think I need any further justification than that. He’s more than qualified for Lamb’s job let alone a spot on the Mayor’s newest publicity stunt.”[/color] Crossing her arms, Barbara pursed her lips as she weighed her options. Truth be told she didn’t need Project Valkyrie to actually work out, she had accomplished everything that Agent Perry had asked of her. [b][color=#7b68ee]“Accept her conditions.”[/color][/b] Perry’s voice seemingly replied to Barbara’s own thoughts. [b][color=#7b68ee]“There’s more than meets the eye going on here.” [/color][/b] [color=#4682b4]“Just Collins?”[/color] Barbara asked as Lady Elaine nodded. [color=#cc4125]“That’s all I ask.”[/color] She replied. [color=#4682b4]“I accept.”[/color] Barbara responded as the Mayor let out a quiet sigh of relief. [color=#cc4125]“Well if that’s all, then I ask that you leave my home.”[/color] Lady Elaine smiled, [color=#cc4125]“Michael will be happy to show you out.”[/color] She added before pressing a nearby intercom button. [color=#cc4125]“Mr. Collins, please escort Miss Norris and Mr. Thomas to their vehicles.”[/color] The door to the study suddenly as a member of Lady Elaine’s security stood there who was definitely not the man that had escorted Barbara and Roy when they first arrived. [color=#cccccc]“My apologies, Lady Elaine, Mr. Collins had a minor breach of security to investigate. I’ll be happy to fill in.”[/color] [color=#cc4125]“Very well,”[/color] Lady Elaine replied turning to Barbara and Roy once more.[color=#cc4125] “Fairwell, Miss Norris,”[/color] She paused, turning to Roy, [color=#cc4125]“[i]Mayor[/i] Thomas.”[/color] Elaine purred as the security agent took up position behind the pair and walked them back through the mansion. [color=#ff0000]“Well that went well.”[/color] Roy stated as the pair emerged through the doors. [color=#4682b4]“It went alright,”[/color] Barbara replied as she pulled her phone out of her pocket, looking at the screen void of notifications before looking back up at the Mayor.[color=#4682b4] “Sorry, I’ve got to run, I’ll stop by when I have my candidates put together.”[/color] [color=#ff0000]“Sounds good,”[/color] Roy replied, [color=#ff0000]“I appreciate this Barbara, you and I are going to do great things together.”[/color] [color=#4682b4]“We had better.”[/color] Barbara called as she climbed into her truck. Watching as the Mayor’s car pulled away, she pressed a pair of fingers against the earwig that Agent Perry had given her before speaking. [color=#4682b4]“What’s our next move Agent?”[/color] Barbara asked but she was only met with silence in reply. [color=#4682b4]“Agent Perry?”[/color] She asked again but still there was no reply.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=darkgoldenrod][indent][sub][B]Location[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Below Morton Estate[/I] - [I]Marville[/I][/COLOR][/sub][/indent][/color][hr][INDENT][INDENT][b][color=#9370db]“Supervisory Special Agent Julia Perry,”[/color][/b] The large man said as Michael Collins sat the woman firmly down in a chair. Her face was bruised, her hands and feet bound forcing her to remain at the whims of her captors with little hope of escape. [b][color=#9370db] “I heard you were looking for this,”[/color][/b] The man continued as he turned around, his long jet black hair was tied behind his head as a well-kept goatee adorned the strict features of his scarred face. In his hands, he held a large double bladed axe. [i]Járnbjörn.[/i] [b][color=#9370db]“What does S.H.I.E.L.D. want with such a primitive weapon? You have kept it hidden away from the world, unable to unlock its secrets and even now you only want it because a god has told you that you can’t have it.”[/color][/b] The man spoke, his voice soft, almost warm and comforting, like a wise grandfather or aged uncle. Suddenly he swung the axe, severing the bonds around Perry’s ankles as the blade embedded itself in the concrete beneath her feet. [b][color=#9370db]“Admit it, Járnbjörn is little more than forbidden fruit to you, but to me, it is a way to right the wrongs of history. With this weapon, I shall show people the true face of god.”[/color][/b] He continued. [b][color=#9370db]“It’s just a shame you won’t be here to see it.”[/color][/b] He stated lifting the axe again as Julia defiantly stared back at the man. [b][color=#9370db]“Unless,”[/color][/b] He paused, shouldering the bladed shaft, [b][color=#9370db]“You tell me who he is.”[/color][/b] [b][color=#7b68ee]“Who?”[/color][/b] Agent Perry asked as a smile creeped across the man’s broad face. [b][color=#9370db]“Don’t play dumb, Special Agent, it’s doesn’t suit you.”[/color][/b] [b][color=#7b68ee]“He’s Thor, he is always Thor.”[/color][/b] Perry replied as the man shook his head. [b][color=#9370db]“We both know that’s a lie.”[/color][/b] He retorted. [b][color=#9370db]“He lives another life, among you mortals, pretending to be anything but the god he is. It’s disgusting and it’s one of the numerous reasons that he deserves to die for.”[/color][/b] [b][color=#7b68ee]“I have no knowledge of this.”[/color][/b] Agent Perry replied as the man let out a sigh and put the axe down. [b][color=#9370db]“Deathlok,”[/color][/b] The man stated addressing Collins, [b][color=#9370db]“Fetch Lady Vic for me,”[/color][/b] He requested as Collins nodded. [b][color=#9370db]“You’re going to wish you had been honest, Julia.”[/color][/b] He stated taking a seat as Agent Perry turned to look at him. [b][color=#7b68ee]“And you’re going to realize that S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents don’t talk.”[/color][/b] She retorted before spitting out one final word. [b][color=#7b68ee]“Savage.”[/color][/b][/INDENT][/INDENT]