[hider=Damian Ivorn] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5SOcyOU.jpg[/img] [b]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/b] [h1][color=fff79a]♦ [i][b]Basic Info[/b][/i] ♦[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/gcdjeF1.jpg[/img] [color=fff79a][i][b]Name:[/b][/i][/color] Damian Ivorn [color=fff79a][i][b]Nickname/Alias:[/b][/i][/color] Silvanus, Dame [color=fff79a][i][b]Age:[/b][/i][/color] 22 [color=fff79a][i][b]Gender:[/b][/i][/color] Male [color=fff79a][i][b]Rank:[/b][/i][/color] A+ [color=fff79a][i][b]Physique:[/b][/i][/color] Damian is a tall, lean man standing at 6'3, weighing in at 188lbs with medium length blond hair and a clean shaven face. His eyes resemble a sea green color which can sometimes be mistaken for a light blue. Damian often sports a dark blue pinstripe suit with a tattered cloak, along with leather should pads, greaves, and cuisse. His Dragons heart guild mark is stamped in black on his left wrist. [b]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/b] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/253795908/large.jpg[/img] [h1][color=fff79a][i][b]♦ [i][b]The Persona[/b][/i] ♦[/b][/i][/color][/h1] [color=fff79a][i][b]Personality:[/b][/i][/color] Damian is a rather chill and reserved person who takes a rather deep interest in picking the brains of those around him, often asking questions and trying to dig rather deep into the mind of others. He is a bit contradictory in that way because while he enjoys asking deep and personal questions about other people he dislike sharing deep and personal information about himself. Some may say he is friendly and nice while others might say he is annoying. For the most part he is rather courteous or atleast tries to be around others though this can be hard because he often be very blunt and straight forward at times which does not sit well with everyone. To put it short, if there is an elephant in the room he will call that elephant out directly. Damian is a man who loves traveling and enjoying the beauty of the world around him as it gives him a peace of mind whether it is natural or man made. He also loves traveling because of all the exotic women that he finds while away from the guild. When it comes to the guild he thinks of them as family, though it may not be his first family it is definitely his chosen family and he is quick to raise has hand against those who places his loved ones in danger. [color=fff79a][i][b]Likes[/b][/i][/color] Nature Honesty Women Alcohol Learning about others Traveling Deciphering unique magic [color=fff79a][i][b]Dislikes[/b][/i][/color] Demons Traitors fighting pretty Women Liars Drama Talking about himself Disappointing Master Teki [color=fff79a][i][b]Fears[/b][/i][/color] -Losing his loved ones again -Never being able to avenge his fallen kinsfolk -Sharing the same fate of his tribe [color=fff79a][i][b]Brief Bio[/b][/i][/color] Hailing from a secluded tribe deep in the country of Bosco, Damian was born into a community where people lived rather uniquely. Sheltered in trees, this tribe shared a deep connection with nature, a bond that was started by the first chieftan who wielded extremely powerful nature magic who forfeited over his mortal body in order to protect his people, he ultimately became one with the earth and from his resting place sprouted a sapling which eventually grew into a colossal tree that resonates with great magical power. This great tree protected the tribe from outside threats while also providing the land with an abundance of nutrients. Before the first chieftan passed he handed his powerful magic down to his eldest son and as he did to his eldest son, the great tree arc magic becoming a birthright that chieftans eldest son inherits. Being the eldest son, Damian was able to learn the Great tree Arc magic from his father. Often spending an alloted time each day to train. His father taught him that this magic was not just a tool but a relationship with the earth itself. By taking upon such magic, the user will be intertwined with nature until earthland is no more. Most of Damiens training involved him heading into nature secluded for days on end in order to better understand what his father meant. During these times he would often take part in playing with the creatures which inhabited the forest. At night he would sleep in the trees, and for food he would consume fruits in which the Forest produced. During his time in nature, he studied his surroundings day in and day out and as he began to understand nature on a much deeepr scale was when his magic began to take form, he was able to grow plants and manipulate the branches of trees when he focused. When he was away at age 15 for a few weeks his village was pillaged and destroyed. When he returned all the tribe members laid in puddles of blood on the forest grass. The only thing left was a strange magic in the air which stunk of death and despair, he could feel the earth itself suffering as he felt a extremely impure energy posion the land around him. He heard of such a sensation given off by an impure form of magic before from his elders though he only thought of it was ancient folklore. Not only that but he no longer felt the protection of the first chieftan, it was as if his aegis was diminshing and was going to vanish at any moment. Demons, they seeked the Great Tree Arc magic in order to sap the earth of its magic and use it for their own selfish benefits. With his magic energy, Damien wrapped the deceased tribes bodys with branches and leaves burying them into the ground so they could be forever apart of forest in which they lived in. Thought he felt a bit odd on how quickly his clan fell, how unprepared his tribe was, and how quickly they were overtaken. He wondered around earthland over the years seeking any information about demons. He wanted to avenge his people and destroy those who oppose the living. The only info he was able to acquire from travels was a rumor being that some dark guilds may or may not be affiliated with demons. His travels took him to many places in the world until he landed himself in Rosa Blanca, the town in which the legendary Dragon's heart guild. 6 months later he has found himself sucked in by the immense variety of wizards who came in all shapes and sizes as well as the guildmaster that is a pool of knowledge and wisdom. [b]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/qmGsPPP.jpg[/img] [h1][color=fff79a][i][b]♦ [i][b]The Mage[/b][/i] ♦[/b][/i][/color][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/e8/03/0d/e8030d1014464b49ec4134066798f63b.jpg[/img] [u][i][b][h2][color=fff79a]Great Tree Arc Magic[/color][/h2][/b][/i][/u] [color=fff79a][i][b][url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Tree_Arc]Description[/url][/b][/i][/color] [color=fff79a][i][b]☼ Spells ☼[/b][/i][/color] [hider=T1] Tree Merge - A spell that allows its user to merge with trees, aiding them in remaining undetected by others. Mages with strong sensory abilities, however, can still detect them. The user can use other spells while merged. Earthen power - the caster is able to condense the power of the earth into the fruit of the created trees, doing such allows them to create fiery explosions, providing them an additional range of offensive attacks. The caster can attack explosively using parts of the trees or just the tree's fruits, manipulating them to inflict further damage. In relation to this, the caster is able to harness all of the power stored within the earth itself. Root Rise - The user can mainly summon trees at his or her own will and produce trees for various purposes, mainly for battles. As such, they can manipulate any part of the tree however they want, mainly roots and branches. Even the leaves are controlled by the user. Any tree that the user creates can also have its form manipulated to suit the fighting techniques of the caster. These different sections of the tree can be very useful during offensive or defensive ranges in combat. He can also supergrow seeds of specific plants if presented. Earth Sap/ Nourishment - The user can sap magic energy from the earth for personal use as well as lend the earth energy to repair damaged land. [/hider] [hider=T2] Linear Explosions - The user aims their finger at the target and releases fruit at them in a straight line. The user then detonates the power of the earth that was condensed into the fruit, creating a linear explosion. Ramus Sica- The user releases a flurry of sharp branch blades that home in on, and attack, the target. Folium Sica- The user summons forth a massive funnel of leaf blades to hone in on and cut up their opponent. Magic moss- The user rapidly grows a barrier of moss that excells at defending against physical attacks. [/hider] [hider=T3] Bleve - The user extends their hand forward, and the area directly in front of the user is engulfed in an explosion. This move seems to leave small "fireworks" in the air in its aftermath, which then explode a few seconds later to inflict further damage. Chain Burst - The user ensnares the target's limbs with roots, and then, utilizing their control over the earth, triggers a chain of fruit-based explosions that travel up the lengths of the roots, hitting the one trapped. Tower Burst - The user extends both arms out to their sides, creating an enormous tower of explosive flames in their immediate vicinity. Tree Fist - The user summons a massive fist from a tree to punch their target. They can also create multiple, smaller tree fists to pummel their target as well. Sleep Spore - the user creates a dense forest of flowering trees.The pollen produced by these flowers is then released into the atmosphere and when inhaled, renders any afflicted target unconscious. The user can also control where the pollen spreads so it does not affect them nor their comrades. This spell differs on the target, powerful mages might let out a yawn or two. While regular citizens or civilians are put to sleep from one puff. Heal Spore - he user creates a dense forest of flowering trees.The pollen produced by these flowers is then released into the atmosphere and when inhaled they will speed up the healing process of whome the user chooses. Though it repairs the afflicted targets, it comes at the cost of taking their energy as compensation. [/hider] [hider=T4] Great Tree Arc Secret Art: Forest Treant - The user Summons a [url=https://i.imgur.com/7EWEu6v.png]protector[/url] of the forest to aide them in battle. This creature towers a 30 feet, great for fights against other large foes. The treant is capable of the same super plant growth as Damian. Terra Clamare - he user ensnares their opponent with branches, then releases all the Magic within the earth to engulf their opponent in a massive explosion. When this move reaches its climax, you can hear the earth letting off a large roar. [/hider] [img]https://i.imgur.com/umYrGoe.jpg[/img] [h2][color=fff79a][i][b][/b][/i][u]☼ Enchantment Magic ☼ [/u][/color][/h2] [color=fff79a][i][b][url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Enchantment]Description[/url][/b][/i][/color] [color=fff79a][i][b]☼ Spells ☼[/b][/i][/color] [hider=T2] Metal Transumute- The user can enchant the properteries of an object making it hard as steel. This works on regular objects or living beings. This spell can be used in tandem with Damians Great tree arc making the branches tough as metal. Heavenly Speed - allows the user to temporarily enhance the targets' movement speed by surrounding them with Magical Auras. When cast, the target, and/or user, is able to hover around at their own discretion within said magical aura. It can be employed upon multiple allies, and also on the caster themselves. The weaker the target, the more effective the boost. Heavenly Strength - The user creates an elongated oval mass of Magic before their hands, the user surrounds the target in a quavering magical aura, enhancing their offensive power for a certain period of time. It can be used on multiple allies at once. The weaker the target, the more effective the boost. Hardened Surface - The user can enchant a liquid making it hard as a rock, this can allow them to traverse lakes and cross rivers without getting wet. Float - The user can enchant themselves or an item of their choosin with magic, granting the ability to fly and float in the air as well as move around at their will. This slowly drains the users magic energy. [/hider] [color=fff79a][i][b]Items[/b][/i][/color] [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/af5bb679-810a-4e21-98f3-31ab0b70d7f8/d21fifc-56316c45-c034-4962-b611-179d9a34a7ed.jpg/v1/fill/w_1131,h_707,q_70,strp/katana_by_leviathan187_d21fifc-pre.jpg]Oborotsuki[/url] - A magic sword that reinforces the enchantments that Damian casts making them stronger. [h1][color=fff79a][i][b]Miscellaneous[/b][/i][/color][/h1] - Throughout his travels, Damian has taken up kenjutsu as well as martial arts and has reached an expert level usage in both forms of combat. [/center][/hider] [hider=Edits] 11/26/18 - Changed name of spell Heavenly weight to Heavenly speed. [/hider]