[h1]Table of Contents[/h1] [hr][hr] [b]Arc I: Introductions[/b] [i]Not much, just a fight and some angry Guild Masters.[/i] [b]Arc II: Catalyst[/b] [i]TBA[/i] [hr][hr] [b]Mission A- A Plague On Your Houses[/b] To The Venerated Dragon Heart Guild, My name is Apothecary Pox, a doctor serving on retainer for Lord Ferdinand. It is my displeasure to inform you that the town of Mill Valley has been struck with an epidemic of myotoxico[b]S[/b]is. Normally, this could be tre[b]A[/b]ted with edible charcoal and other common medicines, but we’re dealing with a few dozen patients and the shipment I requested is seVeral days late now. My f[b]E[/b]ar is that bandits may have raided the shipMent. I’m in process of requesting another but if the same happens, we might be looking at some unfortunate losses. It’ll be faster if a team could locate those supplies. My Lord is prepared to offer 199000 [b]E[/b]meralds for your service. Please meet me at Mill Valley as soon as you are able. Much Regards and my Deepest Respect Apothecary Pox, [b]Mission B- Princess Perfect[/b] Dear Dragon Heart Guild, I am Lady Isabella Ducard, wife of Lord Ferdinand of The Valley Counties, writing in a time of urgent need. My daughter, Dina, is a wonderfully sweet young lady, but has been distraught as of late because of her missing cat. Normally, I would simply commission a search-and-rescue crew to locate the cat, but I’m afraid it’s more complicated than that. You see, the cat is actually a rare specimen of cat called an “Exceed,” the feline being very human-like in appearance and mannerisms, and my scouts have reported that a Dark Guild has captured it and are looking to sell it. It is imperative you save the cat and stop this Dark Guild before my daughter throws another temper tantrums. I’m willing to offer up to 250000 Emeralds for your service towards our province. Thank you in advance, Lady Isabella Sharon Ducard of The Valley Counties