And there we go. [hider=Adam Wilkerson] [h2]AA New Member Form[/h2] [b]Please fill out this form and bring to your first meeting. [u]Personal Information [/u] Name (please include any nicknames):[/b] Adam Wilkerson, not much more to it. Somebody once called me Wicker's Son by accident. [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] Freelance Writer [b]Neighborhood or Borough in Which You Reside:[/b] I used to live in I live here, why does it matter? [b][u]Questionnaire [/u][/b] Note: These questions are for research purposes only. Please respond honestly, completely and without omissions. [b]Describe the nature of your Atypical abilities.[/b] Alright, to put it simply, I can manipulate anti-matter in any way I please. To a certain degree. Yeah, anti-matter, the opposite of normal matter, the stuff that suicide bombs itself when it interacts with normal matter. If there's anti-matter in the area, which is especially prominent since New York is a city filled with medical advancements and other such things, there's tons of machines that generate anti-matter, I have more power at my disposal. It's kinda like a form of telekinesis, so I can craft stuff out of anti-matter (Small Stuff), or just move anti-matter that's been floating around in the air. I can craft anti-matter, but it's quite straining to do so, and I've had little reason to do so, and I'd rather not go to the hospital just because I was bored. [b]Briefly describe the series of events that led to who, what and where you are today.[/b] You really want to know that? So many nosy people...just wanna be left alone... I used to live in Toronto with my parents, couldn't afford my own place cuz I refused to get a "Real" job. What can I say? I enjoyed writing but that doesn't pay the bills if you haven't successfully published anything. Then I had to go and piss off a local gang of teenagers with a rough streak. Normally, I would have gone to the cops first thing, problem is, those punks were really good at covering their tracks. I couldn't get any evidence because any and all the stuff they did to my parent's house was never witnessed by anyone, and the only time they beat the crap out of me specifically, I was half drunk and had no idea what was going on. So my parents got fed up and asked me to move out, try and forge my own path. Now I'm out here in New York, living in an apartment, trying to pay off my bills, things could be better, and I've honestly grown a disdain for most people. I've honestly thought about using my powers to dissolve anyone who annoys me at least once. All this just because I accidentally threw a few molecules of anti-matter at one of those punks and they thought I threw a stone at them. [b]How would you describe your appearance to someone who is blind?[/b] Kinda tall? Why do I have to do this again? Messy ginger hair, brown eyes, kinda pale. Haven't spent much time outside... thin maybe? I'd say I can lift my fair share but I can't build up any noticeable muscle no matter how many times I've bench pressed my stupid desk. [b]How would you describe your personality? Likes and Dislikes?[/b] ...I just want to be left alone... why does my personality matter if I'm going to a meeting exactly? Either way, I like jokes, so I'll probably laugh if I hear any. My sense of humor hasn't evaporated. Kinda smart maybe...least I can throw out a good pitch if somebody was interested in one of my works... [b]What is your current state of mind?[/b] Thinking about why I'm signing up for this. I could figure it out myself, but... I dunno, maybe this is the kinda thing my parents wanted for me when they said to start trying to forge my own life. Really want to find somebody who actually is willing to give my work a read... [b]If your current place of residence was destroyed under mysterious circumstances, which of your belongings would you attempt to recover from the rubble?[/b] Anything I find still intact I suppose. I've never really thought about what would happen if such a thing occurred, then again, I doubt most people do. They always think it'll happen to somebody else. If you want specifics, I'll probably try and find my jacket or my damned mp3 player. That thing is glitchy as hell, but if it holds firm even after something like that, it's irreplaceable. Music helps me write after all. [b]What is making you happy right now?[/b] That's almost a creepy question... uh... Not sure how to answer that one in all honesty, why are you asking such personal information? This meeting better have food. [b]How did you hear about AA, and what made you want to attend?[/b] I was hungry, and passing by one of the fliers, I mistook it for an advertisement for a restaurant, I grabbed it... realized my mistake right after, but it held my attention anyways. Other people like myself, and a possibility of free food? Thats the real reason though. I'm going for the free food. Nothing more. [b]What is your greatest fear?[/b] [s]As long as I've been aware of what I can do, I've been worried that I'd accidentally eradicate everything I love. It's a pretty rational fear in all honesty when you have the power to mess with anti-matter.[/s] Don't read to much into that, I misspelled a few things. The ocean. I hate the ocean. [b]If you could give up your atypical abilities, would you?[/b] No comment. [b]Please suggest any refreshments you'd like to see at the next AA meeting.[/b] As long as there's food, I'm fine with anything. There'd better be something. [/hider]