[hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181022/cac4c696ebc21b35bf11eea7f2c76da5.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=lightgray] [center][color=AD2841][i]Push. Faster! Go Faster! No looking back. I said faster dammit! Kill them first! No backing down! Avoid running in a straight line![/i][/color][/center] Daniel ran at what the limitations of his body would allow and then some. He didn't even manage to notice that there was no one following him anymore. They were all pinned down in whatever cover they could find or dead, lying face first in a mixture of their own blood and mud. He was going to take this hill and kill every last imperial in it. There was nobody else he could rely on to do this with him. The sounds of bullets whizzing past did nothing to halt his advance. A silent rage burned within him directed at the enemy before him. Daniel wanted to do more than kill them. He wanted them to suffer. Once again he found himself alone...which was fine by him. That was until he saw, just out of the corner of his eye, a small, round object fly through the air and land off his right side a few meters away. There was no time to react as a ear-shattering explosion knocked him clean off his feet while his consciousness faded away.[/color] [center] Daniel's eyes flickered open revealing a flat, completely white landscape...far from the endless sea of brown mud of the battlefield. He slowly rose to a sitting position where, to his surprise, he found he was no longer in his uniform. A loose white shirt and pants had replaced the green fatigues. He took a survey of his surroundings as he stood up, looking around in all directions. Daniel's heart nearly dropped as he saw her, the love of his life, emerge seemingly out of a white mist [color=AD2841][b]"Elizabeth?"[/b][/color] His voice suddenly felt weak as he ran over to the smiling angel and wrapped his arms around her. A few tears fell from both their faces as the two embraced with a word being said. [color=AD2841][b]"How...how is this possible? Its..you!"[/b][/color] Daniel finally broke the silence Elizabeth simply stared up into his eyes [color=f6989d][b]"Listen, we don't have much time.."[/b][/color] Her voice sounding like before the disease took her. Concern immediately gripped his face [color=AD2841][b]"Wait, what do you mean?!?"[/b][/color] He was not prepared to say goodbye a second time. She simply shook her head at his question [color=f6989d][b]"It is not yet your time, my love. Please, just listen to me."[/b][/color] Slowly she slipped out of his arms and instead held both of his hands [color=f6989d][b]"You're not going to be able to do this alone. You need their help, and they need yours. Don't just throw your life away! You promised me! You promised you would live on! Put your faith back in people, please...for me."[/b][/color] Her words rang out strongly causing Daniel's arms to shake with the raw emotions he felt. Tears flowed from his eyes down his cheeks [color=AD2841][b]"I can't...I want to stay here with you!"[/b][/color] he almost yelled back at her. Elizabeth responded by moving closer again and cupped his face with both of her hands, bringing his forehead down to touch hers. Daniel laid his on top of hers as the tears continued to fall for both of them [color=f6989d][b]"Not yet...not yet, my love."[/b][/color] As soon as those words were said, her body became transparent and Daniel could no longer feel her touch. The white mist returned and Elizabeth began to slowly be pulled towards it. [color=AD2841][b]"No...no! Don't leave me again! I need you!"[/b][/color] He cried passionately, reaching out for her but unable to move his feet forward. A sad smile spread across Elizabeth's lips [color=f6989d][b]"We'll see each other again. But until then, live on. Live a full life. Trust in your brothers-in-arms. I love you so much."[/b][/color] An unseen force pulled on Daniel's body, dragging him backwards as Elizabeth faded from view [color=AD2841][b]"Elizabeth!"[/b][/color] He screamed at the top of his lungs as the white scenery was pulled away, including the floor, and he was left falling in a dark void. Daniel could see a small light below him that was coming closer and closer. He had to close his eyes as he neared it due to the intensity. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHTinEcgLn0[/youtube][/center] [color=lightgray] The first thing that Daniel became aware once he passed into the light was a concentration of pain centered around his right arm and the center of his back. Next was the complete absence of sound except for a strong ringing in both of his ears, though the right was far worse. When he finally opened his eyes, he found himself staring at a gray sky. It wasn't until the flash of a bullet flying overhead that he remembered where he was. He immediately rolled over, luckily finding all his limbs intact, to see where he was positioned. It was difficult to see anything with the disorientation, but he could make out the ruins of some building to his left. His body ached and he couldn't hear for shit, but he managed to pick up a rifle next to him and stand up. It took some effort but he began to run for the ruins, the words of his dear Elizabeth still fresh in his mind. She was always right, but that didn't make it any easier. By some miracle, he managed to avoid direct fire and made it to the ruins where he was surprised to find others of his squad including the two lance-corporals. Everything they said was muffled to the point he could barely make it out, but it sounded like some kind of plan. With his back against some stone rubble, he used the time to check the rifle he picked up. Everything checked out but he just wished the ringing would die down. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was going on. The entire squad here seemed be readying for a charge from this position. That was something he could get behind. Just this once, he would listen to her advice and work with the others instead of on his own. It was unfair she made him promise to live a full life. However, there was never an argument he could win against her. After a quick check of his gear, he was ready to go. He might actually respect the writer a little more if this plan actually worked. [/color]