"I do." She responded hesitantly as he tried to reassure her about Younis. Though, she couldn't share the same optimism he had about the situaion. Younis might have been peaceful but the knight also recalled how violently they reacted to discovering the Brerratic trespassers. Her frown deepened as Abraxas passed through her thoughts. They might have been relatively peaceful amongst their own people but the knight had to wonder if that same kindness would extend to Brerra if they were to lose. While she doubted they'd be cruel enough to enslave the villagers of Brerra, most of her concern resided in what would become of the nobles, her family and friends. She worried what would become of them if Younis won. Surely they wouldn't be overly welcomed if Brerra was to lose. The knight frowned, feeling her stomach churn anxiously at the thought. She gave Crow's hand a small squeeze, finding comfort in his touch as she forced herself to stop thinking about the possibilities that the end of the war held. After a moment of silence, she felt him get up from her lap. She glanced over at him and gave a small nod of agreement at his words. "Yeah, I probably need to get back." she mumbled. It was getting late and she didn't want to risk anyone finding out about her being gone again. However, she was reluctant leave, especially since she knew it would be another week before they were able to see each other again. She slowly stood up and took her cloak from him as he offered it to her. Throwing the clothing over her shoulders, she sighed, "Me too. Maybe everything that's going on will keep us busy enough to make time feel like it's going faster." She stepped over to him and wrapped her arms around. "At least, I hope so." Penelope leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. After a moment she pulled back and smiled at him halfheartedly. "I love you and I'll see you in a week... and please be safe Crow. You better not break that promise." She told him with a hint of concern before finally letting him go and stepping away to leave.