[hider=Ezekiel Kel - Son of Apollo][hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=#EEE8AA][center]Ezekiel Kel - Son of Apollo[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.gifer.com/I9Me.gif[/img] [b][color=#EEE8AA]”It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.”[/color][/b][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=#EEE8AA][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=#EEE8AA]Name:[/color][/b] Ezekiel Brandon Kel [b][color=#EEE8AA]Aliases:[/color][/b] Zeke; Shithead [b][color=#EEE8AA]Age:[/color][/b] 15 [b][color=#EEE8AA]Birthday:[/color][/b] December 12, 2005 [b][color=#EEE8AA]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] Caucasian [b][color=#EEE8AA]Birth Place:[/color][/b] Belfast, Maine [b][color=#EEE8AA]Godly Parent:[/color][/b] Apollo [b][color=#EEE8AA]Cabin Number:[/color][/b] Cabin Seven; Year Long [b][color=#EEE8AA]How Many Years At Camp:[/color][/b] Third year [b][color=#EEE8AA]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=#EEE8AA]Occupation At Camp:[/color][/b] Helps out in the Infirmary [b][color=#EEE8AA]Languages:[/color][/b] Ancient Greek; English; Spanish [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/92c7d045c5cf98d15e4c377943673de3/tumblr_nbo2o9iBWL1qggrzoo1_250.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=#EEE8AA][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=#EEE8AA]Height:[/color][/b] 5’11” [b][color=#EEE8AA]Weight:[/color][/b] 150 lbs [b][color=#EEE8AA]Body Type:[/color][/b] Mesomorph [b][color=#EEE8AA]Eye Color:[/color][/b] Blue [b][color=#EEE8AA]Hair Color:[/color][/b] Blond [b][color=#EEE8AA]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] White [b][color=#EEE8AA]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] He has a couple of scars along his abdomen but nothing else beyond the general bruising of training. Last summer he got two tattoos. On his left upper arm [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/dc/40/de/dc40de25d513a7ca476b1e6f0659382b.jpg]Apollo’s sun[/url] and on his right upper arm [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d4/d7/a4/d4d7a4cbfd3b42bcd7c80ec848f5cdce.jpg]the moon[/url], to represent his mother. [b][color=#EEE8AA]Personal Style:[/color][/b] Style yet comfort. Zeke can be found most often with a toque or beanie on his head or in his back pocket. In the colder months he will rock a blazer or form fitted jean jacket. On the warmer months he’ll wear a long sleeve with the sleeves pushed up and when he is working out the shirt is usually left behind. Jeans of a dark wash tend to be his go to along with high tops or a simple pair of vans, usual white in colour or orange. When he is working in the infirmary he tends to wear neutral colours, whites, browns and pale or dark greens. He finds it soothes patients and brings about a different nature within himself. [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/4cfd8ad84e3f03f1e345f8c5095348e3/tumblr_mub7cffnKp1qe5il9o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=#EEE8AA][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=#EEE8AA][center]Outgoing * Cocky * Passionate * Stubborn * Attentive * Quick Tempered[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=#EEE8AA]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Heterosexual [b][color=#EEE8AA]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single [b][color=#EEE8AA]Personality:[/color][/b] With a winning smile you would think at first glance this blonde haired, blue eyed boy was sweet. And you wouldn’t be entirely wrong but you’d have to take time to find that compassion. Ezekiel has walls in the form of arrogance and a never ending flirtatious knowledge. He doesn’t let up for anyone, teachers included but despite the attitude, he knows when to get a job done. If you get the chance to see the raw beauty and poet within, you will find a person who knows how to truly laugh. How to feel and understand the inner workings of a life. He is passionate about many things and contains more knowledge than his outer shell shows. His past is simply that, coming to Camp Half-Blood was the new start he never saw himself getting. There is a viciousness here though, a constant competition that demands being on top. [b][color=#EEE8AA]Fatal Flaw:[/color][/b] Overcompensation (don’t laugh) - Feels the need to prove himself due to the weakness he felt when he was younger, before he was claimed by his father at the age of thirteen. [b][color=#EEE8AA]Habits:[/color][/b] Drumming his fingers along any surface to a beat in his head; Doodling on paper, small pictures or a word over and over again [b][color=#EEE8AA]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Writing poetry; Reviewing medicine/human anatomy; Playing guitar; Training [b][color=#EEE8AA]Fears:[/color][/b] [list][*] True Intimacy - easier to lose someone [*] Complete darkness [*] Extreme Heights[/list] [b][color=#EEE8AA]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Poetry [*] Music [*] Training [*] The Sun [*] Healing [*] Water[/list] [b][color=#EEE8AA]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Strawberries [*] Pixies [*] Flowers [*] Mountains [*] Cold weather [*] TV[/list] [center][img]https://images.gr-assets.com/hostedimages/1433983677ra/15165387.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=#EEE8AA][center]Skills[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=#EEE8AA]Demigod Abilities:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Healing - can restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. Though the user may potentially heal any form of bodily damage, the patient must be alive, even if hanging by a thin thread, in order to be healed [*]Light Manipulation - create, shape and manipulate visible light. Bending/focusing light. [/list] [b][color=#EEE8AA]General Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Playing the Guitar [*] Writing [*] Swimming [*] Knowing the time based on the position of the sun/moon [*] Persuasive [*] Flirting [/list] [b][color=#EEE8AA]Combat Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Sword Fighting [*] Bow & Arrow - Distance fighting [*] Hand to Hand Combat [*] Stamina [/list] [b][color=#EEE8AA]Magic Item:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Sonic Arrows - make a screaming noise when they are shot [*]Murakumo - lights up golden/yellow when he uses it. Extension of his light manipulation. [/list] [b][color=#EEE8AA]What Do They Carry On Them:[/color][/b] [list][*]Clothing - Long-sleeved maroon shirt; light grey Vans; Dark wash, straight leg jeans; silver bracelet with the phases of the moon. [*]Purse/Wallet - 80 gold Drachmas [*] Notebook for poetry [*] Notebook for infirmary/healing notes [*] Dark grey backpack [*] Set of pens [*] Extra shirt [*] [url=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/rdsWj9GiqhJiJC0Xy3pSvqkmgpF7FuQW2wbio61-EQR0SI21dd5Xw4yTXvylLqN_Z_b_hFu4RriUUkohVvlrcfzRok9br61LIETefKc9T8G0=w600]Murakumo[/url] [*] Bose headphones [*] Sixth Generation iPod Touch (gold; 32gb) [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=#EEE8AA]Possessions In Cabin:[/color][/b] (What Does he or she keep at their assigned cabin, anything from weapons, trophies they have take while on quests, and any other personal possessions they have.) [list] [*] Picture of his mother [*] Bow & Sonic arrows/regular arrows [*] Record Player with assorted records [*] Colder weather clothes Dark Grey blazer; Dark wash jean jacket [*] Dark purple sweatpants for training; Camp Half Blood sweater (emerald green) [*] Orange & Grey High tops [*] Swim trunks [*] Acoustic Guitar [*] Bass guitar [*] Edgar Allen Poe book of poetry [*] Pristine copy of The Odyssey by Homer [/list] [center][img]https://i.gifer.com/GDs2.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][color=#EEE8AA][center][i]History[/i][/center][/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=#EEE8AA]Biography[/color][/b] Growing up wasn’t exactly easy for Ezekiel Kel. His mother lives a, alternate lifestyle. She works two jobs beyond caring for Zeke. They lived in a run down part of town, where things of pleasure were limited and entertainment was found within the forest behind their apartment. His mother, Eliza, worked in the only daytime establishment that would hire her. A grocery store that wasn’t exactly to code, on anything. At night she stripped in a club downtown. As Zeke grew, the children found out of his mother’s job. Mostly because on the rare times she did drop him off her hair and make-up was still done to the extreme and their own mothers’ tended to bash her. That was when the bullying started. It was constant and Ezekiel simply took it. There was no other way around it and he seemed to rarely bruise, and when he did they would be gone within hours. This seemed to push the kids to do more to him since there was never a mark on him. Some teachers saw this and sympathized with the boy. They did nothing through the school but they allowed him to miss weeks of classes, only coming in when exams were needed. He remained with high grades despite it all, another reason why he was allowed to leave. Little did Ezekiel know but his own mother struggled with her own demons. Early in the morning when she would come home to sleep for a couple hours, she would crawl into bed with her son and speak of the man of pure light. His father. She would speak of this light all the time, how it lit up the club she worked in and how he never quit looking at her. Of all the poetry Zeke had ever read, there wasn’t a love story quite like his mothers. It seemed his father had a love for the subject as well because when he left her, he left a book for her and it was that same book that Ezekiel grew up reading. He would read poems to his mother over breakfast and it was only when he turned twelve that he really noticed the reaction it gave her. She would smile, truly smile but then it would fade and she would silently cry and start mumbling to herself. Ezekiel admired his mother. The amount of pain she was in but how she continued to push through in order to give him everything their simple life could allow. He went to school after a particularly rough night for his mother. As soon as he walked onto the school grounds, his bullies surrounded him and began with the intense name calling. As he endured year after year of this, their vocabulary increased and it wasn’t getting better. They laid into him about his mother more specifically today and it only took a few well placed words this time for him to snap. He turned and shoved one of the children. They stopped, staring in disbelief as he had never reacted before. After the older boy stood, they all came at him. Ezekiel exploded, quite literally it seemed as a brilliant light erupted from him and forced them all back. The children ran screaming and when Zeke looked up at the school steps, the principle was standing there and led him to his office. Several minutes of waiting another man walked in with his mother. She ran to his side immediately and was mumbling words that he couldn’t hear past her tears. The new man started talking to him about what had happened and his father. Light. Power. God. Apollo. School. Father. Few words stuck with him but he understood one thing. His life would never be the same now. A couple months later he turned thirteen and was taken to Camp-Half blood and his mother was taken to a more appropriate location. He receives letters from her so very often and he sends her his own poetry that he was writing more of. The camp knows Ezekiel as the son of Apollo, a arrogant, quick tempered teenager who doesn’t seem to quit moving. Learning about his father didn’t seem to settle him but make him angrier and having no other way to release his frustration he used his own well placed words and excessive physical training to get it out. He never physically beat anyone, as that was not his way but he was now able to fight back if such a thing ever arrose. Every so often he will lose reality. His head will fly into the clouds and when he is brought back he seems to become even more short tempered for a short while. He is constantly looking for change, moving towards something better and fighting for more freedom. However, he isn’t exactly sure what the better is anymore. [b][color=#EEE8AA]How Long Have They Been At Camp Half-Blood:[/color][/b] Ezekiel and his mother Eliza were escorted from their small town in Maine to Long Island New York. Usually, Zeke took comfort in the forest but here, the forest held monsters all their own that they had to encounter. He left his mother behind in the safety that lied before the tree line. After an emotional goodbye, his escort and him entered the woods and encounter two fierce creatures they had to run from. Instinct seemed to take over and Ezekiel shot light from his hand. He stood in shock, after his guard shook him free of the shock, he did it again and the monsters seemed distracted, splitting up so the guard could take care of the one while Zeke ran for the gate. He has been in camp ever since, three full years now at the age of fifteen and looking forward to each new day and new task they are presented with. [center][img]https://i.giphy.com/media/Rmeo1MUp7UrNC/giphy.webp[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][color=#EEE8AA][center][i]Additional Information[/i][/center][/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=#EEE8AA]Theme Song: Man on a Mission - Oh The Larceny [youtube]https://youtu.be/Y2lspXOXNGQ[/youtube][/color][/b] [b][color=#EEE8AA]Extra Information:[/color][/b] Greek Mythology; Athena; [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/170745-darke-magyk-chaos-reigns-gasofdoom/ic?page=16#post-4794951]Darke Magyk[/url] [color=red]I agree to follow the rules for this RP and understand that if I do not follow the rules, the GM or Co-GM may kick me out of this roleplay.[/color][/hider] [hider=Relations][center] [h1][b][i][color=#EEE8AA]Relations[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [h2][b][i][color=#EEE8AA]Ezekiel Kel[/color][/i][/b][/h2][img]https://static.tumblr.com/9ae701ad9dfe43f98f496d5ce35f168b/caufqn4/LfMmhpi9h/tumblr_static_colinstoriessidebar.gif[/img] [i][color=#EEE8AA]"Here we stand, fighting hand in hand for something we don't understand and we don't even understand who we are."[/color][/i] ⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣ ⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣ ⟢ 💘Infatuation ⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣ ⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣ 💜 [b][color=DeepSkyBlue]Keira Donovan[/color][/b] 💜 [i]"She is beauty, she is grace…” (gets punched in the arm) “Okay okay, she’s my best friend, what are you going to do?"[/i] Their relationship started much more differently then any of Zeke’s at Camp Half-Blood. Sure there was some nit picking and name calling but there was a hidden companionship there from the start. It started with them running at the same time in the morning, simply joining each other without a word and then it turned into eating lunch together and having jam sessions on the pier. Keira is the only one who knows the deep, the dark and the truth to who Ezekiel really is and he is completely fine with that. 😈 [b][color=SlateBlue]Athanasia Theroux[/color][/b] 😈 [i]"Zeus above does that kid have a mouth on her, little lady my ass!"[/i] Perhaps it is a bit cruel to pick on someone so young but to Zeke, it is in all good fun. Besides, he knows she can handle it since he has had his own ass handed to him several times by her and her shadow Ryland. Well, more knight in shining armor. Tough skin makes for a tougher person so Zeke will continue to push her in any way he sees fit. 💛 [b][color=silver]Rebecca Eventide[/color][/b] 💛 [i]"Like calls to like."[/i] The absence of light is darkness, but without that darkness, when can the light shine? Recent friends, due mainly to Ezekiel’s commitment to the camp and his studies, he’s found a fascination with the daughter of Hecate. Perhaps it is due to the fact that she is older than him and he is drawn to her dark power and isolation or perhaps it is the need to bring light to the girls life. Whichever it is, she puts up with him and he enjoys a quiet companionship while he is writing or studying. ♨️ [b][color=Purple]Marco DePaulo[/color][/b] ♨️ [i]"You gotta admit, Marco has style."[/i] Ezekiel enjoys pushing Marco’s buttons. Honestly he loves pushing anyone just to get a reaction. He admires Marco’s style and attempts to copy somethings while making it look effortless. They mainly clash over their different friendships and how Zeke doesn’t take it easy on anyone. ♨️💀 [b][color=#0072bc]Ryland “Ry” Astrapí[/color][/b] 💀♨️ [i]"Maybe if he quit carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, he wouldn’t be such a holier than thou person."[/i] If you want to see an up close explosion, lock these two in a room together. Ezekiel has taken on a bit of a bullying role since being in Camp-Half blood and one of the people he constantly teases seems to be under Ryland’s holy wing. Although Ryland is nicer, he reminds Zeke of the kids who used to pick on him at school. If anything, Zeke is constantly trying to be better and outshine Ryland, just to prove that anyone can be just as good or better than the son of Zeus. 💘 [b][color=F63030]Aella Perez[/color][/b] 💘 [i]"I think I’m in love. *looks around quickly* She didn’t hear that right?"[/i] Perhaps, next to his best friend, the only person Ezekiel can go head to head with and not be torn up about it after. She can definitely get his blood pumping and arguments can be heard miles away but she has a thick skin. He would help her with any of her vengeful missions any day. 🎆💛 [b][color=lavender]Bronwyn Knowles[/color][/b] 💛🎆 [i]"Only I’m allowed to bully her. No one else."[/i] While being great friends, they also seem to be great rivals, as well. All in good fun of course, but for all intents and purposes, Zeke is Brynn's Clarice, as Brynn is Zeke's Percy. They are always in a battle for the gold. Winner buys a round of nectar? Ezekiel has developed a bit of a protective streak over her and they can be seen jamming together lakeside with Zeke’s best friend Keira. 🎆 [b][color=4286f4]Arthur Stanford[/color][/b] 🎆 [i]"He’s twelve but has the soul of a person twice his age."[/i] Ezekiel has a lot of respect for Arthur. He holds himself high and sticks up for his friends no matter what. When Zeke was that age he was busy just trying to make it through another day, trying to figure out who he was. He would love to get inside Arty’s head to figure out what made him have this natural acceptance of himself. 🌓 [b][color=00a651]Erika Yumia[/color][/b] 🌓 [i]"*Starts humming* I always feel like, somebody’s watching me!"[/i] Training and classes is about the most Ezekiel sees of Erika. She always seems to have a game plan. Although she remains silent her eyes are always moving, calculating and Zeke can see that. It terrifies him to an extent, making his skin crawl. How much does she actually know? Zeke pretty well keeps to himself with Erika, only speaking when it is required. 👋 [b][color=gray]Zoey Kepler[/color][/b] 👋 [i]"She’s always happy it seems. It’s rather infectious."[/i] Whenever Ezekiel is in the library he likes visiting with Zoey. She always seems to have a smile on her face which makes him smile. She also has an exceptional tastes in books and when no one else is around, Zeke will tend to speak of different poets with her. Her vast knowledge in strategy is another thing that intrigues Zeke. He is always trying to learn more in the area. Knowledge is power after all. 😈 [b][color=FDC05D]Amalia Reyes[/color][/b] 😈 [i]"It’s fun to get her raging about the camp. Perhaps I should get checked out from all the punches I am taking."[/i] Ezekiel seems to get along better with the girls in the camp than any of the men. Perhaps that is his flirtatious nature or maybe it is because he isn’t constantly trying to one up the girls. He knows most of the girls within camp would beat all of the men and he is fine with that but it doesn’t mean he won’t pick on them any less. As with him, she is quick to temper and therefore makes it fun to challenge her at a task or some other thing that gets her blood boiling. If you don’t have someone to push you, how will you get better? 🌓 [b][color=2B9311]Emily[/color][/b] 🌓 [i]"She’s in her own world a bit isn’t she?"[/i] Ezekiel sees her around camp some but for the most part the only time the two ever seem to talk is a campfire. There is a usual fair amount of storytelling around the campfire and the two of them can indulge in different worlds for awhile. There is that bit of bonding but beyond that the two don’t associate much. 🙇 [b][color=c4df9b]Alana Colt[/color][/b] 🙇 [i]"Fire in her soul, fire in her eyes but an emptiness in her heart."[/i] Ezekiel watches Alana a lot. Watches how she moves about the camp, works with her guns and the witty and sarcastic tone she always utilizes. He’s more intrigued with her than most and always seems to have a word or two to say to her as she passes him by. A muse to the hidden poet perhaps? Who knows but he loves going back and forth with her in their banter. Her hands and eyes tend to wander a bit much, making Ezekiel flustered but that’s apart of growing up in close quarters with so many demi-gods. Symbol [b][color=6ecff6]Characters Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i] Relation Details [/center][/hider]