[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/23da5851dd829b75b15dd5428bc7089d.png[/img][/center][hr][right][color=gray][b]Training Grounds, Wall Rose[/b] Midday, Year 847 [sub][@Sola][/sub][/color][/right][hr] [indent]Once Schulz was done with Emil Burton there was an unease among the lineup, or at least, nearing the end of the line there seemed to be. That much was something the old drill instructor [i]knew[/i] as soon as he broke from Emil and noticed that the last of the recruits, a blonde-haired girl sporting a ponytail, had been staring at him for far longer than she probably would have liked to admit. Being appalled by the treatment of her fellow cadets was one thing but it was another to let the man who was going to train and condition you [i]notice[/i]. [color=F7941D][b]“You look like you have something you want to say, cadet! Are you upset that I'm grilling your boyfriend over here? Is that it?”[/b][/color] He looked her up-and-down, trying to gauge her body language as he moved forward. Truth be told, Schulz wasn't disappointed that someone had been “offended” by his barking and ordering. In his experience, there was always one cadet who wore their heart on their shoulder and advocated for others. The only thing he was disappointed in was so few of the cadets of this batch had shown him nerve and none had spoken up in another's defense. Moral sympathies ensured the soldier's cared about the soldiers they were tasked with to finish a mission with; teamwork was something everyone was going to need and it was his responsibility to make a bunch of nothing refugee's into responsible soldiers. It was going to be an interesting next few months, at least. [color=F7941D][b]“Remind me who you are, lovebird.”[/b][/color] He ordered. [color=F7941D][b]“Unless you'd prefer I come up with a name for you myself!”[/b][/color] [/indent]