[@Crimmy] Any good recommendation for the range drop? I'm totally fine with removing the part about using it while asleep - I mostly added that to kind of stress that he's not really using it, and it's mostly his unconscious mind. AIM resonance would probably be completely useless unless their is a lot of telekinetics in an area. Considering normal AIM is so small that you need machinery to detect it, Resonance would probably need to occur between several TKs before the environment is actually effected. AIM Resonance does let the user detect if similar espers, TKs in Haruma's case, are near them (Pretty sure that's how Misaka detects sisters, but it also lets her find other Electromasters to an extent), and the more similar the powers are the more accurate the detection is. So, essentially, when a TK enters his AIM field and Resonates, Haruma would have a very vague idea where they are in relation to himself.